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ROSI Office Furniture Feedback Survey

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ROSI Office Furniture Feedback Survey

Welcome to the ROSI Office Furniture Feedback Survey!
At ROSI, your experience matters to us. We strive to provide top-notch office furniture and services to businesses across Houston. Your feedback helps us improve and ensure we meet your needs. First take a moment to check our website and products and then watch this video:







Here are the guidelines before doing this survey: 

1- Please look at our website design and check out the different pages. From product pages to the categories and our homepage. Now, evaluate its design, usability, and overall performance

2- Watch the above 1-minute video on the page.

3- Now complete this short survey (approximately 2 minutes) that features multiple-answer questions. Provide thoughtful and honest feedback to help us improve.


Adding a name and email address is totally OPTIONAL. Thank you for being a valued part of the ROSI community!



Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
1. How would you rate the overall design of our website?
2. How easy was it to navigate through our website?
3. How would you rate the loading speed of our website?
4. Did you find what you were looking for on our website?
5. How visually appealing did you find the product images on our website?
6. How easy was it to understand the information provided about our office furniture products?
7. How clear were the prices listed for the products?
8. How likely are you to purchase office furniture from us based on your experience on the website?
9. How satisfied are you with the variety of office furniture options available on our website?
10. How helpful was the product description in making your purchase decision?
11. How easy was it to find the checkout or payment page?
12. Did you encounter any issues during your visit to our website?
13. How would you rate the quality of customer support on our website (if applicable)?
14. Would you recommend our website to others looking for office furniture?
15. How likely are you to return to our website for future office furniture purchases?
16. How would you rate your overall experience on our website?
16. Are you located in Houston, TX?


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