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Houston Office Furniture Blog + ROSI Office Systems, Inc


What is The Difference Between Space Planning And Design?

an open office space plan and design

What is The Difference Between Space Planning And Design? There are so many factors to consider when thinking about doing an office overhaul. Everything from furniture and layouts to fabrics and finishes will be a part of the decision making process. The truth is, having professional office space planning AND office design help will make any makeover go much more Read More

Why Private Cubicle Workstations Are Still A Good Idea

busy office with office worker incubicle

Why Private Cubicle Workstations Are Still A Good Idea With all the hype around the “open office,” you may be wondering if private cubicle workstations still have a place in the offices of today. The answer is YES! There are plenty of advantages to individual work areas. In fact, some or all of your employees might work better in a Read More

How To Choose Colors For Your Office Design

aerial view of 2 designers looking at color samples

How To Choose Colors For Office Design Are you ready to design your brand-new office design? Does your existing office need a fresh new look? Congratulations are in order! Whether your office space is new or ready for a remodel, choosing your colors is an exciting venture. Need a place to start? Use this office design color guide to tackle Read More

What Can I Do With Old Office Furniture?

moving boxes and office furniture

What Can I Do With Old Office Furniture? Sometimes an office makeover requires getting rid of the old to bring in the new. So, what are the options for handling old office furniture in Houston when the time comes for a change? ROSI offers full-service office furniture in Houston liquidation and decommissioning services. Removal of older or obsolete office furniture Read More

Benefits of Recycled Office Cubicles

a row of office cubicles with glass panels

Benefits of Recycled Office Cubicles When looking to furnish an office with cubicles, there are many factors to consider. It’s an investment of time and money, so you want to get great value. One of the best ways to get more bang for your buck is to consider recycled office cubicles, like ROSI’s RECube remanufactured product line. Affordable Recycled office Read More

Take Care Of “You” At The Office

Office furniture

Take Care Of “You” At The Office   When we think of the various causes of disease and poor health, we often consider factors like bad diet, lack of sleep, or family history. When we hear the term “self-care”, it’s usually about relaxation methods, mental health care, or pursuing hobbies. For working Americans, there is a key component that is Read More

Glassboards – The Whiteboard of the Future


No matter how paperless your workplace becomes, there seems to always be a need for sharing ideas in writing. Why? Well, we love the freedom to write, sketch, and collaborate at a moment’s notice. In fact, it would be difficult to find any office without some kind of wall-sized writing surface. So, what’s all the buzz about glassboards? What makes Read More

The Best 2019 Office Design Trends

a modern bright office with office design trends title

The Best 2019 Office Design Trends With every new year comes a new opportunity for a fresh start. Studies show that the average employee will spend 90,000 hours at work over a lifetime. This New Year, make the office an awesome place to work. Add in these ‘Best 2019 Office Design Trends’ and employees will get a fresh start in Read More

5 Ways To Keep Your Office Workstation Organized


5 Ways To Keep Your Office Workstation Organized Taking a look around any office, you’ll often find people in two camps – those with tidy desks and those with mounds of clutter. Does it really make a difference to keep a clean desk? As it turns out, there are many benefits to working in a more organized fashion. Could your Read More

Are Ergonomic Office Chairs Worth The Cost?

white modern ergonomic task chair with brown fabric

Are Ergonomic Office Chairs Worth The Cost?  Short answer: “YES”. Here’s why. With all of the office chair options out there, you might be wondering what the difference is between a cheap, standard chair from a big box store and an ergonomic office chair that comes with more features and a heftier price tag.  Is it worth investing in an ergonomic Read More

Is Employee Cell Phone Use Bad For Business?

line of business people on their phones at a conference table

Is Employee Cell Phone Use Bad For Business? Eighty percent of Americans own one. They hold the title as the foremost method of communication among adults under 50. They’re small, they’re mighty, and they’re here to stay: the ever popular smartphones. In the workplace employee cell phone use is oftentimes deemed an unwelcome disturbance.  But are employers overlooking the potential Read More

The Break Room Breakdown

Business Team Working Break Eating Lunch

How To Promote Good Break Room Behavior Many companies provide employees with a break room, where they can relax and grab a snack or eat a meal before returning to work after the end of their break or meal period. The purpose of a breakroom is to help increase employee morale and employee retention, but without proper breakroom etiquette, problems Read More

The Cost Of Tariffs On Your Office Furniture Project

stamp with words tariff on it lying on files with a paperclip

The Cost Of Tariffs On Your Office Furniture Project In the past year, we saw taxes levied on an extensive range of products the U.S. regularly imports from foreign countries, not the least of which is “Section 301.” The first phase of Section 301 took effect on September 24th with a 10% tariff on both office furniture in Houston and Read More

How Your Business Can Avoid Disaster Scams

interior office space under construction with ladder

How Your Business Can Avoid Disaster Scams As the saying goes, “Everything’s bigger in Texas,” and unfortunately, that includes the cleanup efforts after Harvey. With the waters receding, many people are still left wondering how to even start picking up the pieces. If you’re a business owner, you not only have to worry about repairing your home, but also your Read More

How To Revitalize Your Business Immediately After A Flood

office worker on top of desk surrounded by water

How To Revitalize Your Business Immediately After A Flood Cleaning up after a flood can be an emotional and financial disaster. After floodwaters have cleared, you’re left with evaluating your business inside and out. From filing insurance claims to keeping customers informed to replacing your office furniture in Houston, there is a lot to do. It can be overwhelming. Not Read More

Apple’s Open Office Rebellion. It’s More Common Than You Think.

illustrated image of employees sitting at a table working on computer and some with heads down

Apple’s Open Office Rebellion. It’s More Common Than You Think. Open offices highlight large open spaces and shared work areas. They have become a very popular office design concept. In fact, approximately 70 percent of all offices now have an open floor plan. If you’re thinking about making the leap though, you might want to think again. Despite their popularity, open Read More

Is It Time To Update Your Office Design?

Is It Time To Update Your Office Design? It’s hard enough to juggle the daily tasks of running a business, so thinking about updating your office design may be the last thing on your mind. But, neglecting this area could have a serious negative impact on your bottom line. How do you know if it’s time for a change? First Read More

Not Your Dad’s Office Cubicles

retro typewriter and phone

Not Your Dad’s Office Cubicles. The Old And Stodgy Cubicles Are History. Last week I stumbled on some old photos of my dad’s office from the 1970’s. I work in the office furniture world so I took particular notice (and had a good laugh) at the no-frills office cubicle. These photos featured grey fabric boxes, cream-colored metal cabinets and loads Read More

Office Cubicles Office Benching – What’s The Difference?

Houston - Cubicles

Office Cubicles Or Benching – What’s The Difference? Cubicles – The first specified workspace on the scene back in the 1960’s, cubicles have been ostracized and hated ever since. Interestingly, the creator of the cubicle, Robert Propst, hated what his initial vision became. He wanted the office cubicle to be open at 120 degrees and looking a lot like the Read More

How To Survive The Open Office

an introverts guide to the open office

How To Survive The Open Office Infographic Employers are embracing the open office because it’s so cost-effective, but are they forgetting a large portion of their workforce in the design? Follow this infographic for ways to survive the open office and keep your focus. Survival Tips: Take several breaks throughout the day and get outside. Use headphones to signal that Read More

Office Furniture Budget Calculator

Budget Calculator  

Are you looking for a cost estimate for a new office build out or are you just trying to get a price to add a few new workstations to your existing space, our new office furniture budget calculator can help!

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