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Houston Office Furniture Blog + ROSI Office Systems, Inc


10 Ways To Drink More Water At Work Like It Was Your Job

10 Ways To Drink More Water At Work Like It Was Your Job We’ve heard it time and again. Drink more water at work. Of course!  It’s easy and who doesn’t like water? It can help us lose weight, stimulate brain activity, fuel our muscles and lube our joints. It can even stop a headache in its tracks and relieve Read More

12 Tips On How To Complete Your Work Tasks Before Lunch

12 Tips On How To Complete Your Work Tasks Before Lunch I don’t know about you but if I don’t get my important work completed by lunch, it isn’t going to happen.  There is something about the jolt I receive after that lovely morning coffee hits my veins to really get me going.  This approach can be substantiated based on Read More

4 Things To Consider When Purchasing Small Business Office Furniture

4 Things To Consider When Purchasing Small Business Office Furniture If you’re just starting your business, planning your office space can be a little bit overwhelming. It CAN be a simple enough task if you stick to your list of essentials.  It’s important to narrow down your office furniture to what you really need to start off with.  Good planning will Read More

San Antonio Office Cubicles Aid In Employee Satisfaction

San Antonio Office Cubicles Aid In Employee Satisfaction The office layout that you choose for your San Antonio business has everything to do with your long-term success.  Choose correctly and it can boost productivity. But choose incorrectly and it can be detrimental to office morale and your bottom line. Many San Antonio companies traded in office cubicles for open offices, but this Read More

Austin Office Cubicles Are Still As Popular As Ever

Today's Office Cubicles

Austin Office Cubicles Are Still As Popular As Ever A roll of the eyes usually follows the words “office cubicle”.  You can thank Dilbert comics for its sullied reputation for being a gray box resembling a cage or a prison. But don’t blame the office cubicle.  It remains one of the most cost effective ways to use space and over time Read More

Choosing The Right Office Chair For Your Employees

Choosing The Right Office Chair For Your Employees Choosing the right office chair for your employees isn’t as straightforward as it may seem.  It’s important to choose the correct one because after all, they’ll be the one spending many hours sitting in it.  Take into consideration the employee’s body type, work function and the dimensions of their current office desk. There are Read More

The Must Haves For An Executive Office Cubicle

ROSI Office Systems

The Must Haves For An Executive Office Cubicle The trend of executives moving out of corner offices and into office cubicles is growing.  If the CEO’s goal is to make sure that everyone knows he or she is part of the team, then sitting in an executive office cubicle is a great way to show that. As an executive, you Read More

6 Annoying Office Cubicle Neighbors And How To Handle Them

6 Annoying Office Cubicle Neighbors And How To Handle Them When you spend 40 hours a week in an office with the same group of people someone is bound to start getting on your nerves. If you’re like me, you may silently endure it for a while, allowing that one annoying thing to bother you a little more each day. Read More

Here’s How You Celebrate Halloween At Work The Easy Way

Here’s How You Celebrate Halloween At Work The Easy Way Every year many workplaces celebrate Halloween by creating a fun environment for their employees. This year, Halloween falls on a MONDAY. Yuck! Why not take advantage of it by giving employees a reason to love Monday? Celebrate the holiday with some fun, easy office ideas that will motivate even the Read More

Redesign Your Office Space With Movable Modular Walls

ROSI Office Systems

Redesign Your Office Space With Movable Modular Walls The redesign of your office space can be fast, easy and affordable with flexible modular wall systems.  Highly functional partitions can serve as office walls to address the backlash of noisy open office spaces.  The sound absorbing custom panels can move to conform to any space. Modular office partition walls are inexpensive compared to Read More

Annoying Situations You May Encounter On Your Next Conference Call

ROSI Office Systems

Annoying Situations You May Encounter On Your Next Conference Call The idea of a “conference call” wasn’t recently invented but with all of the annoyances that occur during one, you’d think it was a new concept. No one looks forward to having a conference call. And, most of the time you’d rather do anything but join one. Yet sometimes there’s Read More

Multitasking At The Office Actually Makes You LESS Productive

ROSI Office Systems

Multitasking At The Office Actually Makes You LESS Productive Many people think that multitasking at the office makes you twice as productive. But I’m here to tell you it does not. Here is a typical workday. As you are listening to music, you send an email, text with your friends and prepare a presentation for a meeting all the while watching the clock.  It’s Read More

Modern Office Cubicles: The Contemporary Low Wall Office Cubicle Is Gaining Popularity

low wall cubicle

The Contemporary Low Wall Office Cubicle Is Gaining Popularity Modern office cubicles are the future. Mention the words “office cubicle” and an image of a lifeless gray fabric square box pops into your head. Fortunately, today’s office cubicle is anything but lifeless and gray. Today, the contemporary low wall office cubicle is highly sought after.  In fact, it’s becoming one Read More

Improve Your Company’s Bottom Line With Ergonomic Workspaces from AMQ

ROSI Office Systems

Improve Your Company’s Bottom Line With Ergonomic Workspaces from AMQ Ergonomic workspaces can help your employees feel their best and may even help improve your bottom line. Ergonomic workspaces improve employee productivity by limiting the stress and strain they experience during a typical workday. Office furniture from AMQ, a ROSI Office Systems manufacturer, makes it easy to improve ergonomics while also improving Read More

Natural Light Makes Workers More Productive And Creative

ROSI Office Systems

Natural Light Makes Workers More Productive And Creative Have you ever noticed how your body can mimic the lighting in your office? It’s not referred to as “mood lighting” for nothing. A dimly lit room is not inspiring. It doesn’t make workers energetic, instead it makes them want to relax. You might as well tell your staff to return home because not a Read More

Understanding Your Co-worker From A Different Generation

ROSI Office Systems

Understanding Your Co-worker From A Different Generation How diverse is your workplace? Do you find it difficult to relate to a person from an older or younger generation? As people retire later in life, it’s not uncommon for businesses to employ multiple generations of workers. The key to understanding co-workers from a different generation is simple. You must first identify Read More

Office Space to Classrooms – Open, Unassigned Seating Is Here To Stay

ROSI Office Systems

Office Space to Classrooms – Open, Unassigned Seating Is Here To Stay Last week my husband and I attended our son’s elementary school “Meet the Teacher” night. Since my job focuses on office design and office furniture in Houston, I was amazed at the parallels between today’s classroom and today’s office space. Both are trending towards the same thing – Read More

3 Easy Ways To Work When You Feel Like An Office Zombie

ROSI Office Systems

3 Easy Ways To Work When You Feel Like An Office Zombie Are you staring a blank hole through your computer screen? Late night? Feel like an office zombie? Whether you are suffering from sleep deprivation or you just find yourself in an unexplainable fog this morning, it’s time to get to work. We all have days when we just Read More

Going Green Can Make A Big Impact To The Company’s Bottom Line

Going Green?

Going Green Can Make A Big Impact To The Company’s Bottom Line Going green at the office may sound more difficult than it really is. Small changes can make a big impact on employee health and productivity. Not to mention how good it is for the company’s bottom line…oh and yes, Mother Earth! Green office spaces that help the working Read More

Office Design is Not a One-Size-Fits-All Solution For Employees

ROSI Office Systems

Office Design is Not a One-Size-Fits-All Solution For Employees Office design has changed a lot since the invention of the office cubicle.  Today’s office design trend is to knock down all of the walls and force employees from all departments to interact. This open office trend doesn’t seem to be slowing down even amidst concerns over lack of privacy or noise control. Read More

Office Furniture Budget Calculator

Budget Calculator  

Are you looking for a cost estimate for a new office build out or are you just trying to get a price to add a few new workstations to your existing space, our new office furniture budget calculator can help!

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