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Why White Office Walls Are A Terrible Idea

Why White Office Walls Are A Terrible Idea

Why White Office Walls Are A Terrible Idea

White walls in a home are trendy, but in the office, they can seriously hamper productivity according to a recent blog post from Stephanie Vozza at Study participants were tested performing simple clerical tasks and it was discovered that more errors were made in rooms with white walls.

The scariest part of this post is that most office walls are white, off-white, or gray, none of which do anything for mood, productivity, or motivation–absolutely nothing.

The colors used on office walls will have an effect on your business. The most popular choice and favorite for calming and inspiring is green or blue.  In fact, according to a recent ROSI blog, the color blue makes people comfortable and portrays your company as caring and loyal.

So before you opt out of painting your office walls, do your research and find a color that is suitable to what you want to accomplish at your office. The one thing you do not want to do is leave the office walls white, off-white, or gray.

ROSI Office Systems, Inc. provides complete office solutions and has helped thousands of Houston, Austin, and San Antonio businesses with FREE space planning, remanufactured cubicles, new cubicles, office furniture, and more. Contact Us at ROSI for help with your complete office.

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