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Is It Time To Update Your Office Design?

Is It Time To Update Your Office Design?

Is It Time To Update Your Office Design?

It’s hard enough to juggle the daily tasks of running a business, so thinking about updating your office design may be the last thing on your mind. But, neglecting this area could have a serious negative impact on your bottom line. How do you know if it’s time for a change?

First Impressions

When it comes to business, first impressions are critical. Potential customers start forming opinions as soon as they open the door. Is your space welcoming? Clean? Is it modern or traditional? What does your office design say about your values, employees, and goals? If you have any doubts about how your office is reading to new clients, it might be time to take a deeper look at your design.

Purge and Organize

If you’ve had the same layout for years and years, it’s easy to keep piling things into any available space without thinking much about efficiency. Do you have boxes and boxes in storage closets or tucked into corners? Looking for things in an unorganized space is a huge waste of time. Productivity suffers when information or important documents can’t be located in a timely manner. That may be a sign to take the plunge and make a fresh start, implementing systems for organization that are sustainable. Take this opportunity to purge unwanted items as well.

Health and Safety

Aside from the aesthetics alone, outdated office design can also affect the health and safety of your employees. Broken or damaged furniture can cause injuries leading to downtime or worse – lawsuits. Plus, government regulations over working conditions change periodically, and you want to make sure you’re staying compliant. If it’s been awhile since you’ve evaluated the condition of your office for safety hazards, you’re probably due for an update.

Still unsure if you should consider making a change? ROSI can help you decide. Contact us today for a free consultation!

Office Furniture Budget Calculator

Budget Calculator  

Are you looking for a cost estimate for a new office build out or are you just trying to get a price to add a few new workstations to your existing space, our new office furniture budget calculator can help!

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