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How Do You Know When It's Time For An Office Redesign?

How Do You Know When It’s Time For An Office Redesign?

How Do You Know When It’s Time For An Office Redesign?

The prospect of an office redesign can seem overwhelming – it will cost time and money. But take a look at your business and how it’s performing. Could it be time to make some changes? How do you know?

New Business Has Stalled

If you’ve noticed your business isn’t growing as it has in the past, it could be due to an outdated office design. Maybe it’s time to invest in newer equipment or address a bad office layout. These are barriers to productivity and can stunt your growth. Make sure you have enough space, storage, and organization to handle new business.

Employees Are Going Elsewhere

Competition is tough, and work environment plays a huge roll in keeping your best employees. Good pay alone may not be enough. People want to work in an office that’s inspiring and feels a bit more like home. Adding spaces to collaborate or relax improves morale, which makes employees want to stay put.

Clients Aren’t Coming In

Your office is part of your brand. It has to represent you well during those first interactions with potential clients. If your space feels uninviting, is cluttered, or poorly designed, it can turn away new business regardless of how good your pitch was. A downturn in new walk-in business can be a sign that your current space isn’t doing you any favors.

Productivity Is In The Dumps

Office design impacts productivity in very measurable ways. Everything from seating to lighting to wall color plays an important role in keeping employees focused throughout the day. By not addressing these areas of improvement, you’re missing a huge opportunity to increase your productivity.

ROSI offers free office space planning and design in 2D and 3D drawings to help you plan your next office redesign. Contact us for a free consultation to get started.



Office Furniture Budget Calculator

Budget Calculator  

Are you looking for a cost estimate for a new office build out or are you just trying to get a price to add a few new workstations to your existing space, our new office furniture budget calculator can help!

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