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The Power of Persuasion

The Power of Persuasion

The Power of Persuasion

Many office workers will say they lack the power of persuasion but most find they have to persuade someone at some point. Whether you’re selling office furniture, requesting more funding, asking for help with a project, or even brainstorming with your team – being persuasive is an excellent skill to posses. Persuasive people have a knack for getting others to believe them, without realizing that they’ve been convinced. They are likeable people, who ensure that you not only like their ideas, but you also like them as a person. If you think you could benefit from being more persuasive in the workplace, look to apply the following five tips.

Create a connection

If you genuinely like someone, you’re more apt to believe what he or she is saying and to help him or her when they ask. If you have a minimal connection with a colleague or prospective client, it is much easier to dismiss them. So be sincere.

Know your audience

Every conversation of persuasion will be different, so your approach will be different as well. Knowing how to shape your message in a way that’s most likely to gain his or her acceptance is the only way to influence someone. You can’t persuade someone if you don’t know much about him or her.

Don’t be pushy

There’s nothing worse than a pushy salesperson that talks you into buying something you don’t want. Persuasive people establish their ideas assertively and confidently, without being aggressive or pushy. Pushy people are a huge turn off.

Use positive body language

It’s important to use positive body language. The first thing someone will notice is your posture. Stand up tall (this projects confidence) and most importantly; make eye contact (this increases the perception of trustworthiness). Use hand gestures to support and emphasize your message.

Listen to others

While trying to persuade others of your point of view, it is important to sit back and listen as well. Listening gives you a chance to see a situation from their perspective. If you can understand how they see things, you can get a better sense of how to appeal to them.

The key to being persuasive is to build up some rapport! If you focus on the other person first – you’ll be surprised by how much this will impact their response to your request. And you might just find they are more willing to help (or purchase goods from) you!

And if you appreciate a scientific discussion, or prefer a graphic explanation, take a look at this fun infographic.


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Budget Calculator  

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