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Open-Office Design Versus Cubicles | ROSI


Open-Office Versus Cubicle

Open-Office Versus Cubicle

Are open-plan offices more conducive to productivity or do they cause more irritating workplace distractions?  That is the question that is under debate all over the country as more light is being shed on this topic.

70% of Americans now work in an open-plan office according to the International Management Facility Association. One of the world’s largest open-plan offices was created by Mark Zuckerberg for Google – but – is it working?  Let’s take a look at the open-office plan versus the cubicle.

open offices vs cubicles infographic

Sick Days

Statistics are showing that workers in open-plan offices versus the cubicle environment get sick more often.  A study found that sick days went up 50% on average after converting to an open-office plan. 

The reason behind this; is that viruses and bacteria spread more easily in open offices.  Another factor was due to the stress from a lack of privacy.


Noise Distraction

In another study, workers from both the open-office plan and the cubicle environment were questioned about noise distraction.  The study revealed that although both dealt with noise distraction, the workers in an open-office plan were much less productive due to irritating noises like copy machines, conversations, and ringing phones.

Older workers – those over 45 – were more affected by noise distraction in the open-office plan than those in a cubicle environment.

Low Productivity

Identified as negatively affecting productivity in open-office plans were a lower perception of privacy, workers felt a lack of motivation, and there was a higher feeling of job dissatisfaction.  Workers in a cubicle environment did not emphasize these factors while the open-office workers gave a very clear message; we are distracted and feel intruded upon.

Change isn’t popular

Statistics show that when workers are moved from a cubicle or personal office to an open-office plan, their work suffers.  They instantly feel more stressed, productivity drops and they become unsatisfied with their environment.  This change has also been identified as a leading factor in the break-down of team relations.

ROSI, Inc. offers a comprehensive selection of both new and remanufactured cubicles to ensure that you will get the system you need for your company that maximizes productivity and minimizes cost.

Whether you’re buying 5 cubicles or 50, our comprehensive scoping and design process guarantees your cubicles will meet your every need and expectation.

Want to learn more about our easy 5-step process

Contact us today for more information.

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