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Office Design Should Match Your Culture

Office Design Should Match Your Culture

Office Design Should Match Your Culture

Office design has come a long way – from sterile wall to wall cubicles to a more residential feel. But there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Your office design should be as individual as your company and tailored to your specific needs.

Visual Impact

Research shows that 90% of what we perceive is taken in visually. On first impression, your design should say something positive about your workplace. Plus, it reflects your overall office culture, brand, and style. What do you want your office to say when people walk in? Are you a casual workplace that utilizes teamwork? Or maybe a more formal space better illustrates your company’s mission? Also consider your core values. Environmentally conscious companies should make use of sustainable materials and furniture from like-minded manufacturers.

Employee Needs

Good office design takes into consideration what your employee needs – not necessarily what is trendy. Although many companies are leaning towards open offices or even unassigned workstations, those layouts may not work for everyone. Large lounge-style offices offer little in the way of privacy if the type of work you do requires quiet and focus. On the other hand, if your work is collaborative, avoid isolating people in cubicles. Most likely, you’ll need a balance of private and open spaces – and that mix will be unique to you. Designing a space that allows your employees to work most efficiently is crucial.

Your workplace design will send a message about your company – positive or negative. So, it’s best to consider all aspects of your culture, goals, and values when designing the space. ROSI can help you identify your unique needs and how best to accommodate them. We have been working with companies to create their perfect space for over 20 years. Contact us today for a free consultation!

Office Furniture Budget Calculator

Budget Calculator  

Are you looking for a cost estimate for a new office build out or are you just trying to get a price to add a few new workstations to your existing space, our new office furniture budget calculator can help!

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