Office Budget Tips For The New Year
With the new year comes a fresh, new office budget. If you’re like many, it holds both promises and challenges. Here are some tips to get the most out of your 2015 office budget.
Remanufactured cubicles and workstations save 30% to 70% and you’ll never know the difference. ReCube by ROSI uses Haworth frames and refinishes tothe customer’s specifications. They’ll even match existing cubicle systems.
Used printer cartridges get mixed reviews when it comes to quality. If you find they work for you, however, you’ll save more than half of the cost of new printer cartridges. This review gives Costco high marks on their easy refill service.
Freelance employees add amazing value to your bottom line. Think of a freelancer as a temp employee without the high overhead of paying a temp agency. The steps it takes to set up your company to work with freelance employees are simple and worth it. Where else can you find an expert so quickly without the hassle and overhead of paying employee benefits?
When procuring office furniture for your company, knowing the office furniture pricing structure will help you realize budgetary savings. And, who else knows the furniture pricing structure better than your office furniture dealer? ROSI Office Systems, Inc. has a ‘Price Alert’ program for subscribers. When a price increase is looming, ROSI will send out an alert with the anticipated date. It makes purchasing easier!
Office furniture manufacturers increase pricing from 3% to 10% yearly which can add up quickly. So that office furniture you priced and budgeted last year will be more expensive if you wait. Currently, ROSI has seen increases from many office furniture manufacturers in January 2015. However, OTG office furniture and Global Total Office will raise their prices on April 1st, 2015. Buying before the increase saves you significant money and keeps your budget on track.
When purchasing or budgeting to purchase office furniture in Houston, ask your dealer when they expect prices to increase. Most furniture manufacturers will give advanced notice of increases. Be sure your dealer shares this information.
Creating savings takes a new look at the way you do business. Fresh budgets are frequently revised throughout the year, however, with careful planning and forward-thinking, you and your budget could be in for a fruitful and unstressful 2015.
John Ofield is a recognized expert in the office furniture and office cubicle industry, with over 40 years of experience. As the founder of ROSI Office Systems, he specializes in space planning, custom cubicle designs, and high-quality commercial furniture. John’s expertise helps businesses enhance productivity and collaboration. He is also dedicated to mentoring entrepreneurs and redefining workspaces to inspire success.