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Neocon Highlights The Active Workspace Design

Neocon Highlights The Active Workspace Design

Neocon Highlights The Active Workspace Design

Once again, design innovations at NeoCon emphasized active workspaces to increase employee satisfaction. Designers featured workspaces that made it easy to remain active at work. An active workplace is more than just offering employees a sit-to-stand office desk (although there were plenty of those highlighted as well). The goal this year was to create an active culture within an office environment to keep employees engaged beyond ergonomic office furniture. It involved strategic space planning that encourage employees to move around, increasing daily activity.

So, why is it so important to create an active workspace design?  According to a recent survey from Colliers, employee job satisfaction is directly tied to employees having access to natural light, a variety of spaces to work, the presence of greenery, treadmill and sit/stand desks and an active workspace design that encourages walking and movement.

ROSI Office Systems

These design principals can actually be quite simple to perform if you are looking to enhance your existing workspace:

Daylighting. The key to daylighting is to remove all of the tall barriers, bringing in more natural light. Natural light exposure regulates cardiac rhythms; people sleep better and are more productive.

Work Space Variation. Work requires high levels of concentration, collaboration and everything in-between. Well-designed workplaces provide opportunities for individuals to choose where they work. As workstations shrink in size, it’s important to offer individuals a choice of how and where they work best, increasing productivity and reducing stress.

Quiet Spaces. Private, quiet spaces free from interruption in an open office environment support focus and innovation, providing an escape from an otherwise highly stimulating workplace.

Air Quality. High CO2 levels cause worker fatigue. Enclosed workspaces such as conference rooms often lack proper ventilation and can expose workers to higher than normal levels of carbon dioxide. This leads to drowsiness and general lethargy. Keeping areas open, ventilated and filtered will help keep air quality high and CO2 to a minimum.

Healthy Food Options.  There are many ways to encourage employees to eat healthier, including providing healthy snack options in central locations, thereby encouraging workers to move. Providing access to healthy food is likely to encourage employees to take advantage of better choices.

While the concepts of an active workspace are always evolving, the basic needs remains the same. An active workspace design should find ways to engage both mind and body. And, according to research, the company’s bottom line will benefit as well. Studies by the American Psychology Association indicate that companies with “active workplaces” benefit from improved work quality, productivity, and lower absenteeism.

When you are ready to design your next active workspace, contact ROSI Office Systems. Along with a custom quote, we’ll then deliver your plan, design, and select furniture to create your beautiful new workplace.




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