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Helpful Hints for Meeting Productivity

Helpful Hints for Meeting Productivity

Helpful Hints for Meeting Productivity

The dreaded office meeting – it always seems to cut into your day a little more than you’d like. Isn’t it supposed to increase office productivity? It seems like a great concept to collect minds and share ideas. So why do so many of us leave a company meeting feeling like it was a waste of time? Here are some ways to make the most of your next meeting.

Get Ahead Of It

Write up your agenda or talking points and email them in advance (24-48 hours) to the attendees. This way, everyone can be prepared with input or questions. You also won’t have to waste time at the beginning of the meeting going over the things you’re about to discuss.

Choose Wisely

Think about the topics at hand, and choose your guest list wisely. Is it really necessary to invite the whole company? Or is the subject matter only relevant to a few departments? Everyone attending the meeting should have a clear purpose for being there. Less people means less opportunity for distraction!

Cut The Length

Planning an agenda for an hour – or longer – is unrealistic. Studies show that 18 minutes is really the ideal time frame for keeping someone’s attention. Don’t try to fill a large block of time for the sake of appearances. Instead, have a 30 minute meeting with time for questions and answers. If you have a large agenda to discuss, consider breaking it up into mini sessions throughout the week/month. You’ll get better attention from your staff and leave most of their day intact.

Take A Stand

Meetings can tend to get off topic or turn into social hour. Discourage railroading by trying something a little unorthodox – standing! Standing increases focus and makes it less likely for someone to daydream. You could even do a walking meeting at a park. Moving around also stimulates the brain, which could lead to that next million dollar idea!


Implementing these tips before your next meeting could save you a lot of time and energy. Meetings should be an integral part of your productivity, not a nuisance. A short, concise meeting will get much better results. Give it a try next time, and see how your attendees respond!



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