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Into the Office and Over the Walls – Cubicle Warfare!


Into the Office and Over the Walls – Cubicle Warfare!

Spending hours in a cubicle is hard – staying sane while doing it is even more difficult.  Claustrophobia kicks in, the guy next to you is grating on your nerves, your kneecaps are aching from sitting too long and this is when it happens. Someone breaks out the rubber bands and little pieces of paper start flying over office cubicle walls.  Cubicle warfare has begun!

But wait, the term has taken on a whole new meaning since more sophisticated weapons have been introduced over the past ten years.  Cubicle warfare has evolved into some pretty crazy shenanigans taking place in the office environment.

Evolution of cubicle warfare Infographic

While we do not condone cubicle warfare, let’s take a look at a few choice weapons that have made it into the office and over the walls:

USB Missile Launcher

 This unit moves left, right, up, and down like a Patriot missile system. It can shoot foam rockets (3) at a fast rate of up to twenty feet; it even has sound effects. The beautiful part – you can control it from your computer!

MegaZooka Air Gun 

This seemingly harmless gun blows a mega-ball of air towards the target of your choice.  You can shoot one at a time or you can use the semi-automatic position.

Marshmallow Shooter 

 This amazing invention shoots miniature marshmallows up to 30 feet. You can use the laser feature to target your opponents in their cubicles and with its pump action feature, you can shoot up to 20 marshmallows.  When those runout, you can use the red foam pellets it comes with.

Flingshot Flying Barnyard Chicken 

You can shoot these finger-propelled critters right over the wall of your unsuspecting cubicle mate!


This nifty little gadget attaches to your computer monitor so you can see who’s sneaking up on you. A must-have when it comes to cubicle warfare!

SpyNet Laser Security System 

Okay, we admit this is a little on the “overkill” side but it’s pretty cool nonetheless.  This real Class 1 laser transmitter can beam – in multiple configurations mind you – an invisible laser ‘tripwire’ to keep invaders from sneaking up on you.


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Not the paper kind – these come without the spit and can grow up to 200 times their original size when immersed in water.

Silverlit Remote Control Heli Blaster 

 This is the ultimate weapon when it comes to cubicle warfare. This is an infrared remote-controlled helicopter and includes 8 Plastic Rockets.

What Are the Benefits of Cubicle Warfare?

Benefits of cubicle warfare Infographic

Cubicle warfare is not just a game or a joke, but an interesting and entertaining part of the daily life of many employees in offices.

This type of entertainment is especially useful for people who work in groups because it strengthens the spirit of cooperation between them and reduces stress.

In fact, warfare is not only manifested in the form of various tools but also in other creative ways such as friendly competitions, team challenges, and individual initiatives.

In some offices, these types of activities have become part of the organizational culture.

Especially technology companies and startups try to make the atmosphere happy and pleasant through this type of entertainment.

They also increase the productivity and social interactions of their employees by doing these types of activities.

cubicle wars can create a space for exchanging ideas and informal interactions, which in turn strengthens intra-organizational communication and increases innovation.

Also, cubicle wars can increase creativity and innovation.

In such environments, where people are freed from formal and rigid work formats, minds become freer, and more creative ideas are formed to solve problems or improve work processes.

But one thing to keep in mind is that you should do these activities in moderation and according to the work conditions.

Doing too much of it can be distracting and unfocused. So try to strike a balance between work and fun.

To solve this problem, many offices have rules for such games that prevent them from disturbing other colleagues while also helping to maintain a fun and energetic environment.

Finally, in today’s stressful workplace, cubicle warfare is a great way to reduce stress, improve working relationships, and create a happy atmosphere.

By doing these activities, the workplace is free from monotony, and employee motivation and productivity are increased.

Everyone wants to work in a happy, supportive, and friendly environment, not a stressful and tense one!

Do you have a few items in your cubicle warfare arsenal?  We’d love to hear about them in our comments section below.

Are you looking to purchase private office cubicles for your new or growing business? We offer a comprehensive selection of both new and remanufactured cubicles to ensure that you will get the system you need for your company that maximizes productivity and minimizes cost.

Contact us today for more information.


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