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Going Green Can Make A Big Impact To The Company’s Bottom Line

Going Green Can Make A Big Impact To The Company’s Bottom Line

Going Green?

Going Green Can Make A Big Impact To The Company’s Bottom Line

Going green at the office may sound more difficult than it really is. Small changes can make a big impact on employee health and productivity. Not to mention how good it is for the company’s bottom line…oh and yes, Mother Earth!

Green office spaces that help the working environment have business owners looking for ways to become eco-friendlier. It doesn’t have to be hard. Here are some effective ways business owners can start making the workplace a more environmentally friendly place to work!

Promote Green Office Practices

If you want the office to be a more environmentally friendly space, then encourage workers to keep a green mindset.

  1. Supply Cabinet. Make sure your office manager strictly enforces the use of office supplies.
  1. Paper Use. When possible, move away from paper in favor of more digital options. (I.E. use a digital calendar for reserving the conference room instead of using a paper calendar). Print only the documents that you truly need. Keep other documents stored on a cloud digitally. Keep employee communications on a shared server so they can access it easily. When using paper, insist on environmentally friendly paper that is chlorine-free and made of recycled content.
  1. Power Down. Machines that are “turned off” still consume the majority of office power.  You can choose to automate your plugged in electronics with programs like Surveyor. This program will take electronics that are plugged into an outlet and automatically power them down every night. Or you can even consider solar power. A more expensive option and may not be very practical depending on your office location. But you can reap some serious long-term savings from this investment.
  1. Lighting. Artificial lighting represents 40 percent of electricity consumption in a typical office. Use natural light whenever possible. It’s not only better for energy consumption, but it’s better for your employees. Natural daylight is a free source of lighting for the office that has been proven to improve worker productivity and satisfaction.
  1. Plants. Make your office literally green with plants! They absorb airborne pollutants and emit healthy oxygen into the air. Having some green plants in the office also reduces that “sterile” look, making it more comfortable for everybody.

Change Office Policies

  1. Go Casual. Save your employees money on dry cleaning by creating a business casual atmosphere. Dressing more casually also allows you to be more active in your office cubicle. Walking meetings and treadmill desk usage is much easier to do when you aren’t in a suit and tie.
  1. Telecommute. With advancements of mobile technology, employees are able to be productive while at home. If your business still enjoys a face-to-face meeting and department collaboration, allow employees to work from home a few times a week. This will save employees’ time and gas not to mention improve air quality with reduced emissions from cars.
  1. Buy Used Office Furniture. Office furniture can be manufactured from recycled materials. Herman-Miller and Steelcase are two groundbreaking companies that have adopted the Cradle-to-Cradle protocol for many of their office chairs. In addition, ROSI Office Systems creates custom remanufactured cubicles (REcube) in-house that are completely re-built using the existing framework. New high-end fabric, paint and trim is then attached to the remanufactured cubicles creating a product that is essentially a new office cubicle at half the price! Not only does it save the company money, it can provide your business with LEED design credits.

See – going green doesn’t have to be difficult. A few small changes around the office can make a big impact on the environment and on the company’s bottom line. Whether it’s reducing energy, buying more sustainable products, or reducing waste, every day choices will make a big difference in the long run.

Office Furniture Budget Calculator

Budget Calculator  

Are you looking for a cost estimate for a new office build out or are you just trying to get a price to add a few new workstations to your existing space, our new office furniture budget calculator can help!

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