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Friant Celebrates 25 Years In The Furniture Industry!

Friant Celebrates 25 Years In The Furniture Industry!

Friant Celebrates 25 Years In The Furniture Industry!

We’re all familiar with the story about Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniack building a computer in a garage, but what about other entrepreneurs like them that started with nothing more than a few thousand dollars and an idea?

One such legend is a company called, Friant. Friant is a furniture manufacturing company whose products span the full scope of office furnishings, with a custom woodshop in Oakland, California.

Paul Friant started Friant & Associates with a $1,500 loan and headquartered in a rented home, where they would service and install furniture.  His humble beginnings were founded on two simple principles. Work Hard and Customer Service.  

He believed that if a customer had a problem, it was his job to fix it.

Now, Friant is celebrating 25 years of business. They take pride in offering beautiful offices that are accessible to everyone, never trading quality for price. They continue to be innovative and work hard for their customers just the same as they did all those years ago.

Now, the company is expected to double its production footprint by opening a state-of-the-art facility inside of a new Virginia plant making it easier for this West Coast company to service their East Coast clients.

As an Authorized dealer for Friant cubicle systems., ROSI, Inc., would like to congratulate Friant on their continued success.

We applaud their efforts in providing customer service at the highest levels. You can view Friant cubicle systems on our website or contact us for a free consultation for all of your office design needs!

Office Furniture Budget Calculator

Budget Calculator  

Are you looking for a cost estimate for a new office build out or are you just trying to get a price to add a few new workstations to your existing space, our new office furniture budget calculator can help!

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