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Design Your Next Office Space With Employee Comfort And Convenience In Mind

Design Your Next Office Space With Employee Comfort And Convenience In Mind

ROSI Office Systems

Design Your Next Office Space With Employee Comfort And Convenience In Mind

One of the most important predictors of productivity in the office environment is the environment itself. A well-designed office space has a direct relation to the work output of your employees. Since the office is such a vibrant place, it pays to ensure that its design works for your employees.  First, take into account your employee’s comfort level and convenience to maximize productivity.

To ensure employee comfort and convenience you should:

Buy Comfortable Office Furniture 

Uncomfortable office furniture harms productivity. When your employees have access to comfortable office furniture in Houston it will result in quality work. Comfortable office chairs are a must. It’s no wonder that many offices are placing couches in break areas so that the staff has somewhere to relax during lunch and break times.

Choose The Right Sized Office Desk

An office desk, which is too small, is uncomfortable. It is important to invest in a right-sized desk with plenty of storage space. Corner office desks can increase usable desk and storage space, while sealing off a section of space which employees can make their own.  L-shaped or U-shaped office desks also offer a ton of storage options and convenience to workers.

Try Hub Workstations

A hub workstation area is a great place to locate printers, scanners and other peripheral devices.  Not every workspace needs to have a set. Create several hub workstations where equipment is available to groups of employees. Adding coffee machines and microwaves to these hub workstations is also a nice touch. These hub workstations can be of incredible convenience if well designed.

Paint The Walls With Calming Colors

Harsh color schemes are often distracting to employees who wish to concentrate on work. Pastel colors are often the best way to maximize productivity from your employees.  Lighter colors will brighten up the workspace and provide a comfortable environment for focused work.

Get Structured Cabling

Most office floors are covered in a mess of cables connecting various workstations and terminals. For maximized employee comfort, use an organized structured cabling system.  This system carries voice and data information throughout a space. The cabling design, layout and infrastructure are a critical part of running a successful business.  Plus, it’s done so in a manner that hides wires thereby creating a safe working environment.

Use Appropriate Lighting

If office lighting is too dim, looking at paperwork is harmful to your eyes. Light, which is too bright, can lead to headaches brought on by squinting at documents all day. To ensure employee comfort choose the optimal office lighting system. Use natural light whenever possible.

Given the big impact that office design has on productivity, it’s no wonder, then, that focusing on employee comfort and convenience is just good business.

If you need help, ROSI Office Systems is your source for all services related to office furniture in Houston and office design.  We assist businesses in Houston, Austin and San Antonio, Texas, and surrounding cities. Our goal is to create incredible workspaces with employee comfort and convenience in mind.  If you’re ready to get started, we’re here. Contact us, today.


Office Furniture Budget Calculator

Budget Calculator  

Are you looking for a cost estimate for a new office build out or are you just trying to get a price to add a few new workstations to your existing space, our new office furniture budget calculator can help!

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