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Office Furniture Industry Trends | Page 6 of 6 | ROSI Office Systems, Inc


Productivity on the Office Treadmill Desk – 4 Tips

Productivity on the Office Treadmill Desk – 4 Tips Using an office treadmill desk or standing desk provides a variety of benefits such as increased circulation and energy, but what about actually “working” while you’re walking? Can it be done? Creating a functional and productive work space can happen by using the same ergonomic tools needed at a traditional desk. Read More

3 Apps Every Facilities Manager Needs

3 Apps Every Facilities Manager Needs The average Facilities Manager has more irons in the fire than a blacksmith at a renaissance fair.  Keeping your designs, files and images within reach, plus, collaborating effectively are often a pipe dream. In addition, it’s getting even tougher to handle the increasing amount of information flying at us at a rapid pace. These Read More

How Colors Affect Your Business

How Colors Affect Your Business For many years, office spaces have used color schemes based around grays, tans and browns. These are safe and timeless colors, but if you’re looking to re-invigorate your space, consider adding colors that can inspire confidence, plus boost your staff’s creativity and productivity. Green is the color of money but is it the right color Read More

8 Ways to Improve Employee Happiness and Your Bottom Line

8 Ways to Improve Employee Happiness and Your Bottom Line Happy employees are three times more creative, 31% more productive, and have 37% higher sales than unhappy employees.  Check through this list to see how you might affect your employees’ happiness and your company’s bottom line. 1) Review these Gallup survey questions that help determine employee happiness and survey your Read More

What Are The Biggest And Smallest Sizes For Cubicles?

Office Furniture Houston

What Are The Biggest And Smallest Sizes For Cubicles? There are several advantages that office cubicles offer employers. They maximize floor space, create inexpensive work stations, and can easily be reconfigured as necessary for shared areas or individual offices.  “Cubes” as they are lovingly called come in various models, sizes, and shapes. They range from plain dividers to ultra-modern spacious Read More

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