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Office Furniture Industry Trends | Page 5 of 6 | ROSI Office Systems, Inc


Study Shows Productivity Decrease With An Open Office

Study Shows Productivity Decrease With An Open Office This article by Business Insider reflects on an early 2002 study in which was discovered a myriad of drawbacks on the open office concept. It follows an energy company’s employees as they transition from a traditional office to an open plan. The take-away from this article is that balance is the Read More

5 Ways Employees Carve Out Privacy In An Open Office

5 Ways Employees Carve Out Privacy In An Open Office I vividly remember walking through a local Real Estate company and seeing two glass partitioned work spaces opposite each other with the hallway running down the middle. Both open office spaces were about 100 square feet, however, they were both crammed with employees running around, chatting on the phone, etc., Read More

Cute Office Dogs And Office Cats

ROSI Office Systems

Cute Office Dogs And Office Cats W.C. Fields said “Never work with children or animals.” But, who can resist this Monday jolt of cuteness? How lucky are these offices to have office dogs or office cats? Would you work with a dog or cat in your office cubicles in Austin or office cubicles in San Antonio? How about you Houston?     What Read More

10 Trends Affecting Office Space Planning

10 Trends Affecting Office Space Planning From a workforce talent shortage to active and flexible spaces, these 10 trends are impacting office space planning big time. Companies are realizing that engaged and comfortable employees are productive and boosting their bottom line. Has your employer made any positive changes?  

What Is Sound Masking?

What Is Sound Masking? Office trends and buzz words come and go. Changes in the type of work we do, changes in the culture of our employees and changes in our technology environment constantly drives us to a new “latest thing”.  Occasionally one comes along that is more than a passing fad and deserves to be notice. It is a Read More

Office Space: Which Is Cooler?

Office Space: Which Is Cooler? Since it was announced that Uber and Lyft will be staying in Houston and even picking up airport passengers, this post seemed fun and appropriate. Both companies are headquartered in San Francisco, but their office space style and design is quite divergent. Check out the photos from and decide which company digs you’d prefer Read More

Office Space Forecast For 2015 Shows Need For Creative Space Planning

Office Space Forecast For 2015 Shows Need For Creative Space Planning Office space news in Houston is topping many lists. According to the new Urban Land Institute Report, with more than 17 million square feet of office space expected to open over the next few years, Houston led the list of markets with the most construction volume relative to existing Read More

Office Ergonomics: The Sit-to-Stand Desk

Office Ergonomics: The Sit-to-Stand Desk If you’re one of the many who suffer from chronic back pain, arthritis, diabetes and a host of other injuries and illnesses, the sit-to-stand desk is an office ergonomics revolutionary solution to repetitive injuries. These desks move up and down which allows office workers the opportunity to adjust their office space throughout the day and Read More

Next Generation Office Space Planning City National take on next generation offi…

Can You Move It And Work It On A Treadmill Desk?

Researchers and companies are bringing movement back into the office with treadmill desks, walking meetings and games. Employees say it has helped them lose weight. (If this is the future of office furniture, I’m in!

Houston’s Coolest Work Spaces Attracting A Lot Of Talent

Silicon Valley’s tech giants have nothing on some of Houston’s workplaces.  The Houston Business Journal asked readers to send photos of where they work and here are a few they highlighted.


Great work place designs are indeed attracting some top-flight talent from places like Silicon Valley. It seems in the companies best interest to not only give higher salaries to attract talent, but it also should motivate them to create top-notch surroundings.

Office Ergonomics – Adjusting Your Workstation

When we talk about office ergonomics, most people tend to think primarily of their chairs or keyboards, but there are many other components to your workstati…


Video makes a great point that we need to also think of “office ergonomics” in terms of computer screens, phones, along with chairs and desks. Simple explanations in the video can some highlight some overlooked items at our work stations!

DIY Office Cubicle Decorating Ideas

DIY Office cubicle decorating ideas.


Some great ideas (and some questionable) on decorating cubicles. The palm tree and island themes are certainly some of the more original designs!

10 Creative Workstations to Get Your Juices Flowing

We’ve compiled a list of the most imaginative, design-forward workstations out there. Go ahead and take a seat.


Great imagination and innovation for workstations. Article was written a year ago, and yet we have seen these realized in the workplace. Great to scroll through!

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