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Office Furniture Industry Trends | Page 4 of 6 | ROSI Office Systems, Inc


Friant Celebrates 25 Years In The Furniture Industry!

Friant Celebrates 25 Years In The Furniture Industry! We’re all familiar with the story about Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniack building a computer in a garage, but what about other entrepreneurs like them that started with nothing more than a few thousand dollars and an idea? One such legend is a company called, Friant. Friant is a furniture manufacturing company Read More

Are You Hot Desking?

Are You Hot Desking? Once upon a time, your office desk was your home away from home. It served as a place to display your awards, favorite sports team paraphernalia and obligatory family photos. It became a nice little hiding place that gave you just the right amount of privacy to be productive without distraction. But this cozy space is Read More

What Should An Office Chair Cost?

What Should An Office Chair Cost? When comparing an office chair to other consumer goods, it seems the office chair just does not receive the amount of respect and love that say a sofa or dining room table gets. Yet, these two pieces–sofa and dining room table– get used less frequently than an office chair. In my opinion, an office Read More

How to Choose The Best Office Design Layout

How to Choose The Best Office Design Layout If you Google search “open office spaces” or “cubicles” you’ll find a ton of passionate “pro and con” arguments as to which office design layout is more productive.   It can be an overwhelming decision. How and what design to choose is determined by your industry, the service or product you provide, and your Read More

Why Is Your Boss A Jerk? Could Be The Office Chair

Why Is Your Boss A Jerk? Could Be The Office Chair Office furniture in Houston that makes you feel more powerful may also make you behave more dishonestly.  According to a study conducted by Andrew Yap, the bigger your office space, office furniture, even office chair, the more apt you are to be a sneaky, bold-faced liar. The study looked at Read More

History Of The Office Cubicle

History Of The Office Cubicle The Economist’s recent article on the history of the office cubicle, takes us back to the dawn of the office cubicle farm. It’s interesting to note that the designer of the cubicle or “Action Office 2” as it was called in 1968, Robert Propst, envisioned an active work space with multiple levels for sitting and Read More

The Future Of Houston Office Space

The Future Of Houston Office Space I just finished this recent and informative post from and feel compelled to share. It’s a look at how the Oil and Gas prices could affect the Houston Office market over the next 12 to 18 months. Coy does an excellent job of presenting the facts and how they will affect the office lease Read More

Corporate Office of the Future is Very Green

Corporate Office of the Future is Very Green Two innovative designers received top honors by incorporating a high tech greenhouse within the corporate office. Their futuristic design could become reality and the grass would definitely be greener at this corporate office of 2025. In a recent blog, we discussed different ways to address employees’ number one complaint, sound privacy. It seems Read More

Open Office Versus Cubicles: Which Is More Disruptive?

Open Office Versus Cubicles: Which Is More Disruptive? Open offices have gotten a bad rap over the last few years, especially for lack of privacy. While it is always a great idea to be flexible in your office design and create spaces for concentration and spaces for open collaboration, I have to ask, “Are open offices really that disruptive compared Read More

What’s Behind Office Furniture Industry Growth?

What’s Behind Office Furniture Industry Growth? More than economic factors, the WAY people are working is having a greater positive impact on furniture industry growth, according to a recent article at A stronger economy and corporate profits along with available office space are the typical driving factors, however, industry experts recognize a change in how people conduct their work Read More

Do Green Office Buildings Lead to Higher Satisfaction?

Do Green Office Buildings Lead to Higher Satisfaction? Research conducted by DTZ, a global commercial real estate services firm, has confirmed providing sustainable commercial space does lead to higher occupant satisfaction. The examined the three certifications common in the U.S. They are LEED points, EPA’s ENERGY STAR, and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB)’s sustainability and energy scorecard used by goverment entities. Read More

What Does Your Company’s Office Furniture Style Say?

Ki Benching system

What Does Your Company’s Office Furniture Style Say? When a client walks through your door, your office furniture and style speaks volumes before anyone even says “hello.” You are judged on the look and feel within the first five seconds of arrival. Are you ready to be judged? Does your style send the right message? Are you conveying all you want Read More

Showing Just Cause For A Beautiful Workspace

Showing Just Cause For A Beautiful Workspace It’s an argument as old as the ages. Why is office interior design important in a workspace? It is common knowledge that lay out and space planning are crucial, however, interior design is often that footnote on the new or renovated office budget. Is there just cause for budgeting for a beautiful workspace? Read More

Active Office Design In The Work Place

Active Office Design In The Work Place Active office design is becoming a real thing throughout the office furniture industry and corporate world here’s what you need to know. Furniture-maker, KI explains “Simply put, active design is the rationale behind why movement is so important in the workplace.” KI conducted a proprietary study to better understand current workplace initiatives, identify best Read More

New Sound Absorbing Office Furniture

New Sound Absorbing Office Furniture Swedish Office Furniture Maker Glimakra has introduced a new line of office furniture that absorbs sound. It’s incredibly stylish and delivers the sound absorption so desperately needed in the new open office designs. Here’s the full article with more images. The new office furniture design team, Johan Kauppi and Bertil Harstrom unveiled their sound absorbing furniture at Read More

Employees Take A Stand To Stand Up At Work

Employees Take A Stand To Stand Up At Work Workers are finding a way to stand up at work more, even without their employer’s help. As more and more studies find that sitting is literally shaving years off our lives, employees are still finding resistance when asked to have a standing alternative at their jobs. Meet one employee that found Read More

Boeing’s New Factory Office Space

Boeing’s New Factory Office Space It’s a building inside a building! When Boeing wanted to put the designers and engineers closer to the work being done on their new aircraft, it was decided to build the office space inside the factory space. It puts the Boeing designers literally on top of their project. Instead of wasting 20-minutes walking to meetings, Read More

Office Trend Future Predictions

Office Trend Future Predictions These office trend predictions are nothing new, however, they will accelerate rapidly and create opportunities and losses. Some good and some bad. Office furniture will continue to become “de-cubed” with the expansion of the popular open-office concept with cluster work stations and bench desk systems. Work culture will become even more important as companies do their Read More

Top 10 Office Trends For 2015

Top 10 Office Trends For 2015 What will the New Year bring for office trends for 2015 in office space, culture and environment? Here are some highlights of office trends for 2015: More job-hopping, less employee retention. Companies will take their recruiting game mobile and to social media. More people are stepping out of traditional career paths. READ MORE >>> Read More

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