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Tables and Desk Archives | ROSI Office Systems, Inc


Are Standing Desks Still Popular?

Standing Office Desks from ROSI Office Systems

Why are Standing Desks Popular? The odds are good that you are familiar with standing desks; in fact, you probably know at least a few people who say making the switch was a big part of improving their overall work environment. And if you’re anything like most people who are thinking about using a standing Read More

Choosing the Right Office Desk

organized home office desk

Creating the right workspace increases productivity. The best home office desk provides a comfortable ergonomic setup and easy access to the tools and supplies you need to do your job. ROSI Office Systems has been helping Houston businesses and remote workers create their ideal office setups since 1993. How to Choose the Right Work Desk Read More

Why Private Cubicle Workstations Are Still A Good Idea

busy office with office worker incubicle

Why Private Cubicle Workstations Are Still A Good Idea With all the hype around the “open office,” you may be wondering if private cubicle workstations still have a place in the offices of today. The answer is YES! There are plenty of advantages to individual work areas. In fact, some or all of your employees Read More

A Clean Desk Makes You Productive

A Clean Desk Makes You Productive Feeling like you just can’t multi-task the way you use to? In the middle of responding to an email, you spot the half-finished report that’s due in half an hour—but you also have a meeting starting in five minutes. Oh, and the agenda for that meeting? Buried in the Read More

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