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Office Design: Collaboration or Privacy?

Office Design: Collaboration or Privacy? The International Management Facility Association states that nearly three quarters of employees in the United States are currently working in open floor plan offices. An office without walls allows employees to easily interact and collaborate. This collaboration can lead to innovations that could really add to a company’s bottom line. Many high-tech companies have embraced Read More

Office Space Planning Idea Starters

Office Space Planning Idea Starters If you’ve been in your current office space for some time, you may see that what was once the ideal office space configuration is no longer working.  Maybe your outside sales team no longer travels as much and spends more time in the office.  Or, your office now has many empty cubicles because you’ve streamlined Read More

Is Bench Desking Right for Your Office?

Bench Desking

Is Bench Desking Right for Your Office? Bench desking is a space saving and cost saving furniture solution for open floor plan office spaces.  Work groups share the work station and, depending on noise control and privacy requirements, bench desking can be divided by desk screens. Reduce Footprint Bench desking workstations have shared legs and frames.  Since these components aren’t Read More

Cubicle Customization by Job Function – Part II

Cubicle Customization by Job Function – Part II Did you know that your employees’ productivity is impacted by their workspace?  When planning your office layout, consider which types of employees need isolation to accomplish their tasks and which work best when collaborating with others, and how the office furnishings can be customized to provide the best working conditions for each. Read More

When it Comes to Cubicles, One Size Does Not Fit All — Part I

When it Comes to Cubicles, One Size Does Not Fit All — Part I Cubicle systems are available in a large variety of sizes with endless combinations of customization options.  Deciding how these all fit together within your office’s footprint is only one part of the planning process.  You also need to determine how each cubicle will best serve the Read More

Did You Know Remanufactured Cubicles Can Be Customized

Did You Know Remanufactured Cubicles Can Be Customized Growing companies are increasingly tasked with setting up new office spaces on limited budgets.   Those that achieve their goals of outfitting an office with quality office furnishings that are customized to their exact needs know the secret to staying on budget is to buy remanufactured cubicle systems. Floor Plan First, consult with Read More

How to Decide Between New, Remanufactured and Used Cubicles

How to Decide Between New, Remanufactured and Used Cubicles If you’ve already made the decision to floor plan your office space with cubicles, the next step in your office design planning process is deciding whether to purchase new, remanufactured or used cubicles.  Below is a handy comparison chart to help weigh the pros and cons of each of these options. Read More

Efficient and Effective Office Cubicle Configuration

Efficient and Effective Office Cubicle Configuration According to CoreNet Global, an association for corporate real estate and workplace professionals, the typical amount of office space per worker is 150 square feet.  It is predicted to drop to 100 square feet by 2018. Proper planning to make the most of that space is the key to productivity and worker satisfaction. These Read More

5 Critical Office Layout Considerations

5 Critical Office Layout Considerations Your employees’ productivity, your company’s image and your bottom line all depend on your ability to achieve the correct office layout.  These five fundamental office layout principles will help ensure you get it right, regardless of the square footage you’re working with, without making costly mistakes that would be hard to correct at a later Read More

What Are The Biggest And Smallest Sizes For Cubicles?

Office Furniture Houston

What Are The Biggest And Smallest Sizes For Cubicles? There are several advantages that office cubicles offer employers. They maximize floor space, create inexpensive work stations, and can easily be reconfigured as necessary for shared areas or individual offices.  “Cubes” as they are lovingly called come in various models, sizes, and shapes. They range from plain dividers to ultra-modern spacious Read More

The Case for Collaborative Office Design

The Case for Collaborative Office Design A discussion keeps going around the design industry; one that begs for an answer – does the open office design work? There are articles everywhere on the internet that have taken on the topics of workplace design: awards for designers and countless lists of tips but few really have an answer or an explanation Read More

Open-Office Versus Cubicle

Open-Office Versus Cubicle Are open-plan offices more conducive to productivity or do they cause more irritating workplace distractions?  That is the question that is under debate all over the country as more light is being shed on this topic. 70% of Americans now work in an open-plan office according to the International Management Facility Association. One of the world’s largest Read More

How To Maximize Office Space With Space Planning

How To Maximize Office Space With Space Planning A great way to maximize your office space and give it an updated look is through office space planning.  Not only does it help accommodate a large number of employees under one roof, it helps to increase your office’s team efficiency through the sharing of information and resources. Important Factors to Consider Read More

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