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Becoming A “Green” Company

Becoming A “Green” Company Why does a company want to become “green”? There are several reasons but the top three that come to mind are financial gains in the form of government subsidies and energy savings, in addition to attracting top talent. A recent study found that the millenial workforce wants to work for companies with a purpose and not just profit. Read More

7 Tips For Great Cubicle Etiquette

7 Tips For Great Cubicle Etiquette For many, these office cubicle etiquette tips are common sense, however, it takes just one co-worker not minding their “P’s” and “Cubicles”, before the pot is stirred and stress is boiling over. The idea is to maintain a sense of personal office space by respecting your Houston cubicle buddies’ physical office space and air Read More

How To Organize Your Office

How To Organize Your Office Have you ever tried to work effectively surrounded by chaos?  I’m not talking about audible noise you can hear; I’m talking about the noise your messy desk makes when it’s cluttered with junk!  Whether you work at home or in an office, keeping your office desk and surrounding office space organized is vital to the success Read More

Open Office Versus Cubicles: Which Is More Disruptive?

Open Office Versus Cubicles: Which Is More Disruptive? Open offices have gotten a bad rap over the last few years, especially for lack of privacy. While it is always a great idea to be flexible in your office design and create spaces for concentration and spaces for open collaboration, I have to ask, “Are open offices really that disruptive compared Read More

Do You Collaborate Effectively?

Do You Collaborate Effectively? As part of corporate America, I really enjoy working as a part of a cross-functional team to resolve a problem or create a program.  I thrive on it.  “It is time to collaborate!”  “Hooray!”  In my opinion, collaboration not only equals a happier workforce, it represents an educated one. It naturally inspires a sense of community within an organization, Read More

How To Set Up A Conference Room

How To Set Up A Conference Room Does your company have an effective conference room? The company conference room is a powerful room that should inspire collaboration, a room that affords privacy for productive team meetings, and a room to complete projects, launch products and increase sales. Your conference room design, decor and functionality will influence how people view your company. Read More

Should Employees Partake in the NCAA Tourney Hype?

Should Employees Partake in the NCAA Tourney Hype? It’s that time of year when managers scratch their heads as they fill in their NCAA Tourney brackets. It’s a tough call, really. Should you join the basketball madness of March or set a higher example and rise above? A new survey shows that many managers believe participation in the March Madness festivities Read More

What Does Your Company’s Office Furniture Style Say?

Ki Benching system

What Does Your Company’s Office Furniture Style Say? When a client walks through your door, your office furniture and style speaks volumes before anyone even says “hello.” You are judged on the look and feel within the first five seconds of arrival. Are you ready to be judged? Does your style send the right message? Are you conveying all you want Read More

Active Office Design In The Work Place

Active Office Design In The Work Place Active office design is becoming a real thing throughout the office furniture industry and corporate world here’s what you need to know. Furniture-maker, KI explains “Simply put, active design is the rationale behind why movement is so important in the workplace.” KI conducted a proprietary study to better understand current workplace initiatives, identify best Read More

Veneer or Laminate Office Furniture

Veneer or Laminate Office Furniture When choosing office furniture in Houston, it’s important to select office furniture that will make a statement. A good first impression with clients and associates is the key to good business. Random mismatched furniture pieces just won’t do! Your office space should be professional and uniform. But with so many office furniture variants out there Read More

A Big and Tall Office Furniture Design

A Big and Tall Office Furniture Design According to Business Insider, the average male height is 69.5 inches (5 feet 9.5 inches) and the average waist size is 39.1 inches (and growing).  However, the basic rule of ergonomics is that there is no such thing as an  “average” human. As companies strive to retain top talent, it becomes increasingly important Read More

Open Space Is Okay, But Give Employees Options

Open Space Is Okay, But Give Employees Options Remember the days when technology dictated the layout of office space and office furniture? Telephone wiring, data cabling and more tethered employees to one space and one space only. Office furniture in Houston needed to be designed to hold all the wiring and keep it out of the employee’s work space. However, Read More

Office Budget Tips For The New Year

Office Budget Tips For The New Year With the new year comes a fresh, new office budget. If you’re like many, it holds both promises and challenges. Here are some tips to get the most from your 2015 office budget. 1. BUY USED INSTEAD OF NEW: Remanufactured cubicles and work stations save 30% to 70% and you’ll never know the Read More

Office Seating Arrangements: Ready to Play “Office Musical Chairs”?

Office Seating Arrangements: Ready to Play “Office Musical Chairs”? Office seating arrangements and assigned seats seem to be a thing of the past. Today’s innovative office is choosing to keep it loose and allow employees to find their ideal work space or work spaces. Other companies are choosing to reassign seating every 30-days or so. This gives employees the chance Read More

Five Office Cubicle Gadgets To Give This Holiday Season

Five Office Cubicle Gadgets To Give This Holiday Season Because of my penchant for the nerdy, I refer to my cubicle as my “Geek-O-Sphere”. In which, lies a realm of remarkable (to me) gadgets and toys to entertain, inspire and enjoy. From my Firefly Jayne Dress-Up Magnet, to the Dr. Who Tardis Talking Bank, my cubicle truly lives up to the Read More

What Is Sound Masking?

What Is Sound Masking? Office trends and buzz words come and go. Changes in the type of work we do, changes in the culture of our employees and changes in our technology environment constantly drives us to a new “latest thing”.  Occasionally one comes along that is more than a passing fad and deserves to be notice. It is a Read More

Office Space Forecast For 2015 Shows Need For Creative Space Planning

Office Space Forecast For 2015 Shows Need For Creative Space Planning Office space news in Houston is topping many lists. According to the new Urban Land Institute Report, with more than 17 million square feet of office space expected to open over the next few years, Houston led the list of markets with the most construction volume relative to existing Read More

Building An Office In Houston? Here Are 5 Things You Need To Know

Building An Office In Houston? Here Are 5 Things You Need To Know There are quite a few designs available that cubicles in Houston have to offer and knowing how to choose the right provider should make things easier. Here are the factors to consider. Office Task The type of work done by the office staff determines the design and Read More

Productivity on the Office Treadmill Desk – 4 Tips

Productivity on the Office Treadmill Desk – 4 Tips Using an office treadmill desk or standing desk provides a variety of benefits such as increased circulation and energy, but what about actually “working” while you’re walking? Can it be done? Creating a functional and productive work space can happen by using the same ergonomic tools needed at a traditional desk. Read More

How to Adjust Your Computer Monitor Height and Save Your Back

How to Adjust Your Computer Monitor Height and Save Your Back October is National Ergonomics Month and a time to highlight the importance of treating our bodies kindly while working. It’s a time to take notice of things we may not be doing correctly throughout the day that cause unnecessary pain, discomfort and, sometimes, serious injury. However, with projects due Read More

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