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Office Furniture To Check Out At Neocon 2015

Office Furniture To Check Out At Neocon 2015 I am an office furniture geek and lover of all things office design. It’s Sunday night and I’m gearing up for Neocon 2015 tomorrow.  I just downloaded the Neocon app and am busy researching all the stuff I want to see at the massive Merchandise Mart in Chicago tomorrow. Here’s my top Read More

Working From Home with Kids During Summer Break

Working From Home with Kids During Summer Break I love summer and I truly love being at home with my kids!   As I sit at my home office desk, I know I’m so blessed to have a flexible stay-at-home job! But let me just say, working from home with kids is not an easy thing to do. I was Read More

Designing An Effective Training Room

Designing An Effective Training Room A training room is an environment where people meet, learn, collaborate and share ideas. An effective training room should be comfortable and versatile enough to accommodate a wide range of activities. The ideal training room should also have projectors and all of the required equipment to work with visual aids. Additionally, the training room tables Read More

Improving Workplace Communication

Improving Workplace Communication Workplace problems can be directly linked to a communication issues. Ask any employee what they would like to improve at their workplace and you can bet that communication would be among the top answers. Business owners will admit that workplace communication is something to improve on yet rarely it does. Improving internal communication seems like a daunting task Read More

New Office Furniture? Ask Yourself these 5 Questions

New Office Furniture? Ask Yourself these 5 Questions You just received word that the promotion you received actually comes with your very own office. Better yet, the office is completely empty and you’ve been given free reign to choose your own furniture. There’s nothing quite like having your name on the plaque outside the door! If your corporation is sizable, Read More

Is the Open Office Shine Wearing Off?

Is the Open Office Shine Wearing Off? Articles began appearing around 2012 touting the drawbacks of the open office. If you’re not sure what an open office is, basically, you remove the high-walled panels of a cubicle system and have an open office. With the removal of those walls comes the openness and collaboration that everyone went crazy for over Read More

Advice For Working Moms

Advice For Working Moms My heart is racing and my belly hurts. This can only mean one thing. Yep, it’s May! It’s the magical month where every little thing happens at the very same time, every day – all month long! And if you have kids, your calendar probably looks a lot like mine…soccer, baseball, tennis, track, end of school Read More

Exercise Ball vs. Office Chair Experiment

Exercise Ball vs. Office Chair Experiment My youngest son is entering 1st grade next year. When we went to visit his new school on orientation night, I noticed one of the classrooms had exercise balls for chairs. At first I thought…so cool! How progressive!! I had an exercise ball at home in my closet (where it has sat quietly for Read More

Which Is Better? Standing Desks Or Treadmill Desks

Which Is Better? Standing Desks Or Treadmill Desks Three researchers recently crunched a bunch of data on standing desks and treadmill desks. I started using a treadmill desk in 2013 and have since moved on to a height-adjustable standing desk. Since it’s National ‘Get Fit Don’t Sit’ day (yes, that’s a thing), it’s a great time to talk about my personal experience with both Read More

‘Get Fit Don’t Sit Day’ Is May 6th

‘Get Fit Don’t Sit Day’ Is May 6th ROSI is ‘all in’ for the upcoming National “Get Fit Don’t Sit” day on April 6th. The American Diabetes Association and ROSI are using this day to remind companies of the benefits of getting their employees standing and moving instead of sitting. According to the ADA, people spend an average of 5 Read More

5 Ways To Stay Focused At Work

5 Ways To Stay Focused At Work Most of us have trouble focusing on our work at one time or another, but the reasons for this differ. Some people stray when they’re bored; others find reasons to avoid a difficult task. Maybe you even have annoying co-workers who like to talk rather than work. For me, I have kids.  Having Read More

Unplugging From Technology In 2 Steps

Unplugging From Technology In 2 Steps Hi. My name is Brooke and I’m a technology addict. Whenever my device dings, I run to it like Pavlov’s dog! I first realized I had a problem while my husband and I were binge watching The Walking Dead on Netflix. There was a pause in the episode to address the needs of our Read More

Are You Hot Desking?

Are You Hot Desking? Once upon a time, your office desk was your home away from home. It served as a place to display your awards, favorite sports team paraphernalia and obligatory family photos. It became a nice little hiding place that gave you just the right amount of privacy to be productive without distraction. But this cozy space is Read More

What Should An Office Chair Cost?

What Should An Office Chair Cost? When comparing an office chair to other consumer goods, it seems the office chair just does not receive the amount of respect and love that say a sofa or dining room table gets. Yet, these two pieces–sofa and dining room table– get used less frequently than an office chair. In my opinion, an office Read More

Budget Saving Office Tips

Budget Saving Tips for Your Office April marks the beginning of the second quarter for many companies so let’s do a budget check! Show of hands…how many budgets are still in tact? Let me guess, your budget has already been slashed, cut or otherwise left unrecognizable from what was “doable” at the start of 2015. With change comes the tendency Read More

Why White Office Walls Are A Terrible Idea

Why White Office Walls Are A Terrible Idea White walls in a home are trendy, but in the office they can seriously hamper productivity according to a recent blog post from Stephanie Vozza at Study participants were tested performing simple clerical tasks and it was discovered that more errors were made in rooms with white walls. The scariest part of Read More

Can Office Cubicles Be Collaborative?

Can Office Cubicles Be Collaborative? Collaborative, open office designs are increasing in popularity. If you’re one of many companies with office cubicles and without the budget to upgrade to an open office space all is not lost. There are several easy and affordable ways to make your office full of cubicles more collaborative. Check out these out: 1. Decrease office cubicle Read More

3 Tips To Manage Technology’s Effect On The Workplace

3 Tips To Manage Technology’s Effect On The Workplace Technology is constantly changing and the effect of that change on the workplace can be positive or negative. It’s up to you to harness the effect and manage the change. From realizing the need to optimizing your space and planning your future now, here are some tips from to help. 1. It was Read More

How to Survive Office Politics? Here Are 6 Tips

How to Survive Office Politics? Here Are 6 Tips Office politics.  You can’t escape it.  It can be found in every type of business.  But what exactly IS “office politics” anyway?  In the simplest of terms, it is the differences between people at work; differences in opinions, or conflicts of interests which are often manifested as “office politics”. It all Read More

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