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4 Tips to Save Money on Office Furniture Expense

4 Tips to Save Money on Office Furniture Expense Office furniture is a big company investment. One must consider selecting pieces beyond aesthetics. The furniture may look nice, but if your employees go home with neck aches or aren’t productive in the space, your business won’t thrive. At the same time, saving money and cutting costs is often a bigger Read More

Enjoy Thanksgiving! Leave the Stress of Work at Work

Enjoy Thanksgiving! Leave the Stress of Work at Work The holiday season is in full swing and while it’s supposed to be a celebration of joy, peace and what we are thankful for, it is typically the opposite. There are many reasons for this. It’s likely you have year-end reports, team meetings and mandatory office holiday parties. Prepping for the Read More

5 Reasons Why You Need a Monitor Arm

5 Reasons Why You Need a Monitor Arm When talking about office cubicle ergonomics, most people think solely about adjusting the lumbar of their office chair or repositioning the height of their adjustable desk.  But if you are truly thinking about the benefits of ergonomics, you must not overlook using a monitor arm for your computer monitor. Monitor arms enable users to maintain neutral position of their Read More

A Guide To Working At Home With Cats

ROSI Office Systems

A Guide To Working At Home With Cats I’m a work-at-home mom and although it offers many benefits, including the avoidance of the daily commute and interacting with annoying office colleagues, it CAN be lonely. And while you can keep in touch with those co-workers you do like via email, text and the occasional lunch out, it’s not quite the same Read More

How to Organize a Productive Meeting

How to Organize a Productive Meeting Every year, our neighborhood HOA has a meeting. Just ONE meeting – once a year. It’s always scheduled for the 2nd Tuesday in November, same time, and same location so everyone is aware well in advance. The problem is, attendance is always historically low. It’s so mind boggling to me. I LOVE meetings! Even Read More

Organize Your Computer

Organize Your Computer It may sound outlandish but organizing your office space gives you clarity. Working in a clutter-free environment allows you to focus and be more productive. And once you’ve tackled ways to make the exterior (desk, office files, cubicle, etc) of your office workspace look new and fresh, you need to turn to the place where a surprising amount Read More

Can Boomers and Gen X’ers Embrace the Open Office?

Can Boomers and Gen X’ers Embrace the Open Office? We hear so much about the Millenials, but what about the Boomers and Gen X’ers? Is it fair to ask an established employee at your company to embrace the open office after spending a decade or two behind three walls? Imagine the assault of sites and sounds to someone thrust from a Read More

7 Best Ways to Reduce Computer Eyestrain

7 Best Ways to Reduce Computer Eyestrain Many office workers spend the majority of the day in office cubicles staring at computer screens, tablets and phones. These electronics no doubt make us more productive, but the bad news is that too much screen time can also lead to something called computer vision syndrome (CVS). Recognizable as that tired, strained feeling your eyes get Read More

Office Cubicle Music – Please Listen Responsibly

Office Cubicle Music – Please Listen Responsibly Work is much more enjoyable when you are able to listen to music – the hours pass more quickly when accompanied by a soundtrack. Music is the food of life but at work you have to be mindful of your nearness to others. To this day, whenever I hear a Lucinda Williams song, Read More

10 Cubicle Exercises You Can Do At Your Desk

10 Cubicle Exercises You Can Do At Your Desk Have you heard? Sitting in one position all day at your office cubicle or desk is taking its toll on your health. The typical office worker spends 30-40 hours sitting stationary in an office chair. This sedentary lifestyle has negatively impacted our lives. But, it’s not too late to do something about it. Read More

Tips to Avoid Sitting Disease

Tips to Avoid Sitting Disease Now that the word is spreading and the medical community stands behind the premise that sitting for prolonged periods is literally killing us, Web MD has some simple tips (see video) to keep you moving throughout your day and into to your home bound, TV-watching evening hours. Set a reminder on your phone every 30-minutes to get up Read More

What Should An Office Chair Cost?

What Should An Office Chair Cost? When comparing an office chair to other consumer goods, it seems the office chair just does not receive the amount of respect and love that say a sofa or dining room table gets. Yet, these two pieces–sofa and dining room table– get used less frequently than an office chair. In my opinion, an office Read More

Budget Saving Office Tips

Budget Saving Tips for Your Office April marks the beginning of the second quarter for many companies so let’s do a budget check! Show of hands…how many budgets are still in tact? Let me guess, your budget has already been slashed, cut or otherwise left unrecognizable from what was “doable” at the start of 2015. With change comes the tendency Read More

How To Organize Your Office

How To Organize Your Office Have you ever tried to work effectively surrounded by chaos?  I’m not talking about audible noise you can hear; I’m talking about the noise your messy desk makes when it’s cluttered with junk!  Whether you work at home or in an office, keeping your office desk and surrounding office space organized is vital to the success Read More

Open Office Versus Cubicles: Which Is More Disruptive?

Open Office Versus Cubicles: Which Is More Disruptive? Open offices have gotten a bad rap over the last few years, especially for lack of privacy. While it is always a great idea to be flexible in your office design and create spaces for concentration and spaces for open collaboration, I have to ask, “Are open offices really that disruptive compared Read More

Do You Collaborate Effectively?

Do You Collaborate Effectively? As part of corporate America, I really enjoy working as a part of a cross-functional team to resolve a problem or create a program.  I thrive on it.  “It is time to collaborate!”  “Hooray!”  In my opinion, collaboration not only equals a happier workforce, it represents an educated one. It naturally inspires a sense of community within an organization, Read More

Don’t Freeze Out Productivity At The Office


Don’t Freeze Out Productivity At The Office This timely advice comes to us during a time when the Winter blahs typically set in at the office. Keep your office employees engaged and focused using these suggested Mid-winter mood boosters from HRReview. Working on company culture, employee morale and avoiding productivity pitfalls will increase office productivity. If you do not have dedicated Read More

Office Budget Tips For The New Year

Office Budget Tips For The New Year With the new year comes a fresh, new office budget. If you’re like many, it holds both promises and challenges. Here are some tips to get the most from your 2015 office budget. 1. BUY USED INSTEAD OF NEW: Remanufactured cubicles and work stations save 30% to 70% and you’ll never know the Read More

Top 10 Office Trends For 2015

Top 10 Office Trends For 2015 What will the New Year bring for office trends for 2015 in office space, culture and environment? Here are some highlights of office trends for 2015: More job-hopping, less employee retention. Companies will take their recruiting game mobile and to social media. More people are stepping out of traditional career paths. READ MORE >>> Read More

Use The Right Office Lighting

Use The Right Office Lighting Humanscale and Metropolis gathered with industry experts in March, 2014,  to discuss the importance of using the right kind of office lighting. With the increase in lighting sources, today, there are many more right and wrong lighting types. Lighting is an ever evolving issue when designing a productive office environment. It is also one that Read More

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