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Office Tips | Page 8 of 10 | ROSI Office Systems, Inc


Green Office Walls Make Workers More Productive

Green Office Walls Make Workers More Productive You probably never think about the color of your office and how it affects your mood, profitability and productivity, but it does. What colors you choose for the office can have a dramatic effect on your employees, clients and other visitors. These effects are subliminal and instinctive, creating either a good or bad Read More

4 Easy Ways to Avoid Desk Job Back Pain

4 Easy Ways to Avoid Desk Job Back Pain Like most people with a desk job, I spend a great deal of time sitting in my office cubicle in front of a computer. Every job I’ve held post-college has been a desk job, and my non-work looks exactly like my “real” work—seated, with a laptop. While I managed to stay Read More

How to Make and Keep Employees Happy

How to Make and Keep Employees Happy Employee validation is almost as important as a good paycheck. In order to make and keep employees happy, you must create a positive workplace. Employees need to have a sense of ownership of the company’s image, reputation and long-term growth. You’ve got to get employees to feel that they own the place, not Read More

Steps Businesses Can Take to Prevent Workplace Theft

Steps Businesses Can Take to Prevent Workplace Theft My 11-year old son recently went on a school field trip to “business town” where kids experience a virtual workplace filled with banks, businesses and other services that mimic real world. The idea of this trip was to let kids practice life in a business scenario. He was hired as an advertising salesman where Read More

Big Ideas For Small Conference Rooms

Big Ideas For Small Conference Rooms The boardroom, conference room or ad-hoc meeting room of any business is extremely important. A majority of business planning occurs in this room and for that reason it’s essential to have a well-designed conference room, even if space is an issue. Conference Table: If you have a small conference room, it’s important to start Read More

8 Ways To Modernize Your Office Cubicle

8 Ways To Modernize Your Office Cubicle If you’re like much of the world, you spend about forty hours a week sitting in a neutral colored gray box. The standard office cubicle may not be pretty however, there isn’t a rule that your cube has to feel like a jail cell. In fact, if you focus some decorating effort into Read More

8 Ways to Fall In Love With Your Job Again

8 Ways to Fall In Love With Your Job Again Fallen out of love with your job? Or maybe you never really loved it in the first place. Loving your job can be hard, especially if you are bored by your work or if you do not feel included or appreciated. If you are finding it hard to love what Read More

Are You A Good Office Cubicle Neighbor or An Annoying One?

Are You A Good Office Cubicle Neighbor or An Annoying One? I truly do miss working in an office cubicle. There was something comforting about a little “boxed-off” section of the office that was solely mine. A place where I could escape, keep my head down and get my work done! That is, unless the day was filled with distractions Read More

How To Work For A Micromanaging Boss

How To Work For A Micromanaging Boss I’ve had all types of managers – lazy, clueless, supportive, encouraging, inspiring and micromanaging just to name a few. For me, the most challenging type of boss to work for was the super controlling boss who loved to spend their time looking over my shoulder micromanaging my every move.  If you work for Read More

5 Easy Heart Healthy Changes To Make At Work

5 Easy Heart Healthy Changes To Make At Work Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. The month of February is dedicated to raising awareness about heart disease and increasing knowledge about prevention. Workplace habits play a big role in heart health and it’s becoming more common for businesses to have heart healthy employee wellness Read More

What’s The Story With A Monitor Arm, Anyway?

What’s The Story With A Monitor Arm, Anyway? Once upon a time there was a girl who didn’t use a Monitor Arm, instead she used a pile of shoe boxes to get her monitor at just the right ergonomic height. Shocking! Disturbing! If this sounds like a great introduction to your next horror novella, you may be right. Suffering from neck Read More

Healthy Employees Make BETTER Office Workers

Healthy Employees Make BETTER Office Workers Common sense tells us that if your employees are healthy and happy they will be better office workers. Do you agree? Investing in an employee wellness program will directly affect your bottom line. It’s a no brainer. You are guaranteed to see a return on your investment when you show concern for the wellbeing Read More

7 Ways to Beat the Winter Blues at Work

7 Ways to Beat the Winter Blues at Work Somewhere around the middle of January, I’m struck by the winter blues and I stay in a perpetual state of being frozen. This causes my energy levels to dip, my emotions to fluctuate way more than they usually do, and I start to drag my feet and get a lot less Read More

The Importance of Workplace Wellness Programs

The Importance of Workplace Wellness Programs Workplace wellness programs are becoming more widespread throughout the business world. The concept is simple. A business that provides a workplace wellness program creates healthier and happier employees who are more productive. In addition, employers not only reap the benefits of a healthier, industrious workforce, but realize fiscal benefits as well. Wellness programs can Read More

How To Organize Your Office Desk And Keep It That Way

How To Organize Your Office Desk And Keep It That Way I am a self-proclaimed organizing machine. You wouldn’t know it to look at my office now, but as the years push on, I prefer minimal clutter. It’s easier to work when there aren’t any messy distractions around you. I’m a firm believer in WHERE you work affects HOW you Read More

8 Tips To Help You Maintain An Active And Healthy Desk Job

8 Tips To Help You Maintain An Active And Healthy Desk Job If you work in an office cubicle, like I do, you’re probably sitting there wondering what changes you can make to be a healthier you. For cubicle dwellers, the need to be healthy goes far beyond the desire to shed extra pounds. Did you know by having a Read More

Tips for Curing an Office Vacation Hangover

Tips for Curing an Office Vacation Hangover As much as I’m “pro” taking time off from work to spend with friends and family, the day or week after a vacation can leave one wondering whether the joy of vacation is worth the pain of returning to work. Between the email backlog, the pain of readjustment, and the fight to get back into Read More

How 4 Small Office Changes = Big Employee Impact

How 4 Small Office Changes = Big Employee Impact When you’re thinking of making New Year’s changes to the office, the best time to make modifications is when your employees are out of the office on holiday. Take a look around. Even the best-designed office can get stale over time. That’s why it is important to update employees’ workspaces every Read More

10 Easy Exercises You Can Do At Your Office Cubicle

10 Easy Exercises You Can Do At Your Office Cubicle Finding time for exercise is a challenge during the workweek, especially during the hectic weeks leading up to the New Year. After a long day at the office, shopping and unbelievable traffic delays leave us tired and uninterested in hitting the gym after work. The weather is cold and the Read More

Do These 3 Easy Things To Prepare for the New Year

Do These 3 Easy Things To Prepare for the New Year December is always a tricky month. It’s super fast-paced towards the front end creating a sense of urgency to wrap things up and prepare for the close of the year. You may have projects to finish, sales goals to reach or books to complete. Sometimes this added pressure makes Read More

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