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Active Office Products You Need in 2017

Active Office Products You Need in 2017 We have talked and talked about the benefits of an active office. The research simply doesn’t lie – you have to get up and move during your workday! Taking a walk at lunch or using the stairs are great ways to be more active at work. But you may not always have time during Read More

Does Your Workplace Have A Morale Problem?

Does Your Workplace Have A Morale Problem? Even the most mindful of managers can deal with the occasional morale problem at the office. Low morale can quickly affect workplace dynamics and negatively impact your bottom line. But, how do you know if you have a problem? What actions can you take to increase morale? Hint: It’s not just about money. Read More

Good Office Design Engages Your Employees

Good Office Design Engages Your Employees Good office design isn’t just pleasing to the eye. It is essential to keeping employees happy and productive. Employees who feel engaged in their workplace perform better and stick around longer. But, how exactly does office design impact employee engagement? Communication Connection is the root of human relationships, and it also plays a critical Read More

Spring Cleaning At The Office

Spring Cleaning At The Office Spring cleaning isn’t just for the home. Maybe your office or desk could use a little sprucing up! Tackle a few things in your own space, or grab a few of your coworkers and de-clutter a community area. De-Clutter Your Desk If your desk is covered in a mountain of papers, it’s time to get Read More

Helpful Hints for Meeting Productivity

Helpful Hints for Meeting Productivity The dreaded office meeting – it always seems to cut into your day a little more than you’d like. Isn’t it supposed to increase office productivity? It seems like a great concept to collect minds and share ideas. So why do so many of us leave a company meeting feeling like it was a waste of time? Read More

Office Productivity Tips From The Pros

Office Productivity Tips From The Pros Office productivity is one of those topics we could talk about for days. Everyone wants to be more efficient and waste less time at work. What’s the secret? While there’s no magic fix, there are some simple changes you can make to be more productive during the day. Tackle Your Voicemails For some people, Read More

Employee Wellness Programs More Important Than Ever

Employee Wellness Programs More Important Than Ever Americans are working longer and longer hours, and our health is paying the price. Employee wellness has never been more important. Though people are becoming more health conscious, it’s hard to make time for exercise and eating right during a 60 hour+ work week.   What Are Employee Wellness Programs? Simply put, this Read More

Are You Killing Your Office Productivity With Your Diet?

Are You Killing Your Office Productivity With Your Diet? Did you know that what you eat at work could affect your office productivity? Food is fuel for our bodies (including the brain), and eating well at work will lead to a more productive day. Start with Breakfast Eat properly in the morning to set yourself up for success. Most people choose Read More

Lounges At Work Are The New Office Trend

Lounges At Work Are The New Office Trend More and more, companies are recognizing the need to provide some space at the office to “blow off steam.” The newest office trend is the swanky lounge/kitchen. These areas often include games or activities, comfortable furniture, and of course – snacks! Why The Lounge Is Trending Recent research is clear – you need Read More

Stretch at Work for a Healthy Lifestyle

Stretch at Work for a Healthy Lifestyle We’ve all heard it, “Sitting is the new smoking.” So, are you breaking up your 8-10 hour workday to maintain a healthy lifestyle? Maybe “deskercise” isn’t your thing, but stretching is for everyone! It will make such a difference in how you feel. Stretching For a Healthy Lifestyle What are the benefits of Read More

Millennials In The Workforce Explained

Millennials In The Workforce Explained If you work with millennials or identify as one, this article is for you. It’s a shame that they have acquired a bad reputation over the years. They’re called lazy and entitled- how awful! The truth is that this generation sees the work place a little bit differently, and that adds value to your business. Millennials Are Here To Read More

Office Lifestyle: Handling Conflicting Politics

Office Lifestyle: Handling Conflicting Politics Election season may be over, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that workplace political discussions will follow. You may have a divided office. Some employees are happy about the results and some are not. Talking politics at the office is a tricky subject and can lead to heated discussions. How do you keep your office lifestyle free Read More

Make Learning Part of Your Office Culture

Make Learning Part of Your Office Culture With advancements in technology and competitive markets, it’s more important than ever to stay at the top of your game. Make learning a priority in your office culture, and you’ll encourage employees keep their skills sharp. Why Your Office Culture Should Include Learning A learning office culture gives employees opportunities for growth and adds more Read More

Take Your Office Plants to the Next Level

Take Your Office Plants to the Next Level There are so many benefits to outfitting your desk with office plants. Fortunately, you don’t have to stick with simple potted plants only. Here are some plant centered gadgets and creative pots that will wow your coworkers. USB Flower Pot If you’re the forgetful type, you’ll love this USB powered flower pot. It reminds Read More

Office Workouts – Deskercise Your Way To Healthy

Office Workouts – Deskercise Your Way To Healthy It’s not easy to find time to exercise during a demanding work week, but there are ways to sneak in some movement throughout the day. Consider it multitasking. Not only will your health benefit, but your productivity will likely increase as well. Moving stimulates the brain, and when you return to work Read More

The Benefits of Biophilic Office Design

The Benefits of Biophilic Office Design Biophilia is the area of science that explores the human connection to nature. Of course, it isn’t groundbreaking news that we love being in nature. But can it actually improve our well-being at work? Research says YES! What is Biophilic Office Design? The premise of biophilic office design is that we bring nature indoors, into Read More

Office Trend Alert: The Community Table, Decoded

Office Trend Alert: The Community Table, Decoded More and more, we as employees are emerging from office cubicles into the fresh, modern space known as the “open office.” While it might be scary to leave the comfort of your 6×6 office cubicle, there are some great benefits to working at a communal table.   The Return Of The Office Communal Read More

Refresh Your Office with Pantone’s Color of the Year: Greenery

Refresh Your Office with Pantone’s Color of the Year: Greenery Looking to refresh your office design in the New Year? Try nature’s perfect shade, Greenery. It’s just the right combination of lively and calming , which is exactly what the color brings to your mood: BALANCE. Chromology is the psychology of color, and it’s been used for many years by Read More

What Does Your Desk Say About You?

What Does Your Desk Say About You? We all know you only get one chance to make a first impression, so what does your office desk say about you? Does it say “I’m a hot mess so don’t include me on that new high-profile project?” Take a good look around your workspace. If you need a place to start, here Read More

4 Easy Ways To Say No To Annoying Distractions At Work

4 Easy Ways To Say No To Annoying Distractions At Work Distractions at work are not only annoying but can affect your work productivity. Have you ever have one of those days where despite your best efforts, your mind refuses to focus? Well, focus on work that is. Rather, you find yourself focusing on all of the distractions in your work environment.  Just Read More

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