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Personalize Your Desk With These Office Crafts

Personalize Your Desk With These Office Crafts Research shows that being able to personalize your desk at work has psychological benefits. Put your own touch on the space than with some office crafts! Adding these items can even offset some of the negative aspects of an open office, like lack of privacy. Fake Some Greenery If you struggle with a Read More

Why You Should Have A Fun Office Culture!

Why You Should Have A Fun Office Culture! Does anyone really need a reason to have fun? Well, maybe at work. But, a fun office culture actually plays a huge role in everything from productivity to sales. There’s a lot of science around productivity at work. We talk about things like how to beat procrastination and how taking breaks can actually Read More

Mobility vs. Activity At The Office

Mobility vs. Activity At The Office Active offices and related ergonomic products are certainly trending these days. But the larger issue might be your mobility, rather than your activity level. Mobility refers to how functionally we move (or, how we don’t), and plays a huge roll in long term health. Sitting Is The New Smoking This is probably not the first Read More

Job Hunting? How To Observe The Office Culture

Job Hunting? How To Observe The Office Culture Going on a job interview? Learn how to suss out the office culture just by observing your surroundings. Are the employees happy? What does the office design say about the company? Job seekers are often so focused on the interview process that they miss out on key observations about the office. There are Read More

Ergonomic Chairs To Consider For Your Office

Ergonomic Chairs To Consider For Your Office When it comes to choosing ergonomic seating for your office, there are so many more products on the market now than in previous years. How do you know which qualities to look for? Ergonomic Function The most important thing to look for when considering different types of chairs is adjustability. This will allow Read More

Top Office Plants To Increase Mood and Productivity

Top Office Plants To Increase Mood and Productivity Studies show that having plants at the office increases mood and productivity. Why not add a few green things to your space? Here are some suggestions for easy to care for plants that will purify your office as well! Spider Plants If you don’t have a lot of light or windows in Read More

5 Ways To Encourage Wellness At Work

5 Ways To Encourage Wellness At Work Study after study shows that employee wellness affects everything from productivity to retention rate. What it comes down to is this: if you aren’t encouraging your employees to be healthy, you’re not maximizing your company’s potential. Here are some quick ways to promote wellness at work. Exercise There are a lot of resources Read More

Top Office Organization Products You Need This Spring

Top Office Organization Products You Need This Spring ‘Tis the season for Spring cleaning, but how do you make that hard work last? Office organization products can help you keep your fresh new space looking clean for the rest of the year! Desk File System If you’re anything like me, you have a tendency to stack things. One stack on Read More

5 More Exercises To Do At The Office

5 More Exercises To Do At The Office It’s time again for another edition of desk exercise, or “deskercise!” It’s never to late to add more movement to your work day. Shoulder Blade Exercise This is a great one to help with hunched over posture. It will leave you feeling rejuvenated, trust me. Stand up from your desk and pretend Read More

Struggling With Procrastination? Here’s How To Tackle It.

Struggling With Procrastination? Here’s How To Tackle It. We all struggle sometimes with procrastination, but it can be a huge roadblock to getting things done at work. If you find yourself leaving certain tasks until the last minute, take a look at these helpful tips. You’re Not Alone First, it’s important to recognize that our brains are programmed to procrastinate. Read More

The Real Secret To Keeping Millennial Employees

The Real Secret To Keeping Millennial Employees What’s the trick to keeping those millennial employees around? If it seems like every 1-3 years they leave a job, that’s because 42% of them do. They leave for a variety of reasons, but it’s probably not because you don’t have a game room or smoothie bar. The Root Of The Problem Millennials Read More

Habits Of Companies With A Happy Office Culture

Habits Of Companies With A Happy Office Culture Developing a happy office culture can seem like an overwhelming task. After all, does anyone really like their job or place of work? It turns out, the answer is YES! Here are the ways some companies are keeping their employees happy and reaping the benefits. Identify What You’re Doing Right Gather your Read More

Annoying Office Habits You Need To Break

Annoying Office Habits You Need To Break If you haven’t participated in some of these office habits, you’ve surely witnessed them. Here’s why annoying habits are dragging down your office culture. Personal Phone Calls Not only can a personal phone call create a lot of unnecessary noise, it’s basically like wearing a sign saying you’re not working. Of course, every Read More

Office Habits That Kill Creativity

Office Habits That Kill Creativity Everyone wants to come up with the next greatest idea, app, or solution that puts them on the map at work. But these bad office habits could wreak havoc on that creative spark. Too Much Logic Are you the type of person that comes up with a concept and then immediately says, “That won’t work!” Try Read More

Using Neuroscience Can Increase Office Productivity

Using Neuroscience Can Increase Office Productivity There are many ways to increase office productivity by enhancing the work environment. Aside from an employee’s individual capacity to focus, brainstorm, and learn, studies show that outside factors really do affect the brain – sometimes positively and sometimes negatively. Sense of Smell The smell of stinky food in the nearby trashcan is a sure-fire way Read More

Ergonomic Benefits Of Using A Foot Rest At The Office

Ergonomic Benefits Of Using A Foot Rest At The Office I’ve spent a number of years in an office environment, and I’ve rarely see footrests in use. However, these have amazing ergonomic benefits most people aren’t aware of. It may not be the first accessory you think about when decking out your office, but here’s why you should consider one (and Read More

How Do You Know When It’s Time For An Office Redesign?

How Do You Know When It’s Time For An Office Redesign? The prospect of an office redesign can seem overwhelming – it will cost time and money. But take a look at your business and how it’s performing. Could it be time to make some changes? How do you know? New Business Has Stalled If you’ve noticed your business isn’t Read More

5 More Office Workouts To Do This Week

5 More Office Workouts To Do This Week We’ve talked about easy ways to get some exercise right at your desk before. Add these 5 office workouts to your regimen to boost your results even more! The Wait For It Calf Raise Next time you’re waiting by the printer or copy machine, work in a set of calf raises. Stand with Read More

Art Positively Impacts Office Productivity

Art Positively Impacts Office Productivity Believe it or not, artwork plays an important role in office productivity. It may not be the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about good office design, but it’s worth taking into consideration. In fact, according to a recent study, a staggering 74% of professionals say they like office art because it inspires them. Read More

Hack Your Office For More Energy Efficiency

Hack Your Office For More Energy Efficiency Energy efficiency is a hot topic these days, as companies do more to limit their impact on the environment and stretch their budgets farther. Here are simple some tips to make your office more energy efficient. Do An Inspection You can start with a visual inspection of windows and doors to check for Read More

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