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Developing a Feedback Based Office Culture

Developing a Feedback-Based Office Culture It seems as though you’re asked for feedback in almost every area of your life. You get surveys at the end of your shopping receipt and comment cards at restaurants and hotels. Even the apps on your phone ask for ratings. But, how often are you asked for feedback at your job? How often are Read More

Top Ways to Reduce Office Stress

Top Ways to Reduce Office Stress Studies show that 40% of employees experience anxiety about work outside of the workplace. That’s an alarming amount of office stress being taken home! The negative impacts of stress are well documented, affecting everything from job performance to health to relationships. Be Proactive Sometimes the source of stress can be that you don’t feel Read More

Increase Productivity By Making Friends At Work

Increase Productivity By Making Friends At Work Think friendliness at the office is a distraction or a waste of time? Think again! Studies show that friendships at work actually increase productivity! Workplace friendships impact employees on many levels, so fostering a team atmosphere benefits everyone involved. It’s a natural tendency to find connection with those whom you spend a lot Read More

Best Office Stretches To Maintain Health

Best Office Stretches To Maintain Health Research has shown time and time again that we have to get up and move during the workday. Perform these stretches every hour to loosen up stiff muscles from working at a desk. Plus, the mental break with rejuvenate your focus and ability to get back to the task at hand. Lateral Head Tilt Read More

How Green Design Really Pays Off

How Green Design Really Pays Off Not only does green design help the environment, but it also pays off in big ways for companies and their employees. It aids in attracting and keeping top talent as well as increases productivity. Taking time to explore some green design options for your space is definitely worth it. Productivity Looking for office spaces Read More

Office Tech Helps You Make The Most of Your Ergonomic Workstation

Office Tech Helps You Make The Most of Your Ergonomic Workstation What is the purpose of having an adjustable workstation if you find yourself never changing positions throughout the day? If you’re guilty of not utilizing your ergonomic equipment to its fullest potential, there’s a new solution that can help. Humanscale’s OfficeIQ synchronizes with your adjustable workstation and keeps you on track Read More

How Millennials Are Really Shaping Office Culture

How Millennials Are Really Shaping Office Culture Millennials are the fastest growing population of the workforce, and their unique worldview really impacts office culture. Many of these changes are positive, so why do they get a bad rep? Misunderstood There’s a lot of misunderstanding surrounding millennials. In fact, people tend to form extremely strong opinions about this group, more so than any Read More

Foods That Boost Productivity

Foods That Boost Productivity Diet plays an important role in overall health, but especially brain health. Eating well can boost not only your mood, but also your productivity at work. If you’re looking for some healthy brain food to bring to the office, look no further! Berries It’s getting to be that time of year where fresh berries are delicious, and Read More

Biophilic Office Spaces: Workplace Garden

Biophilic Office Spaces: Workplace Garden The benefits of biophilic office design are well proven – it reduces stress and improves job performance. If you already work in a great green space, here’s a little something to take it to the next level. Gardening. Yes, gardening at the office! Believe it or not, it’s a new trend that’s really catching on Read More

New Office Design Trends Speak To Introverts

New Office Design Trends Speak To Introverts Many companies are moving away from the open office in favor of more balanced design. This switch appeals to a wide range people, including the more introverted employees. In fact, there are several new trends that really speak to this crowd. Private Quiet Rooms In addition to offering mixed work spaces with various levels Read More

More Exercises To Maintain An Active Office

More Exercises To Maintain An Active Office You can never have too many options for exercises at work. These exercises are quick to do, require no equipment, and help you maintain an active office! Chair Tricep Dips Tricep dips are a great upper body exercise. There are many ways to do them, but try this easy office version on your next Read More

Back To Basics: Foundations of A Good Office Culture

Back To Basics: Foundations of A Good Office Culture When it comes to developing a positive office culture, sometimes it’s best to get back to basics. Fancy toys like ping pong tables or coffee machines won’t make up for missing the mark on the foundations. Hire The Right Staff A company is only as good as its staff, so choose Read More

Active Office Product You Need: Bike Desk

Active Office Product You Need: Bike Desk Just when I thought active office furniture in Houston couldn’t possibly get more innovative – it does! By now you may have heard of the wildly popular treadmill (or walking) desk. But have you ever heard of a bike desk? What Is A Bike Desk? Simply put, a bike desk is a combination of a Read More

Office Rituals – Good or Bad for Office Culture?

Office Rituals – Good or Bad for Office Culture? Rituals bind people together and have been around since the beginning of human development. So, it only makes sense that they arise somewhat naturally in an office environment as well. Company rituals have pros and cons – let’s take a look at how they affect office culture. Pros Workplace rituals have Read More

Why HR Should Care About Office Furniture

Why HR Should Care About Office Furniture Technically speaking, Human Resources is the department that focuses on people at work. But studies show they should also take an interest in the office furniture. Here’s why: First Impressions Make A Difference Would you believe that over half- 53%- of job seekers would turn down a job if they didn’t like the look of Read More

Is Your Office Culture Too Chatty?

Is Your Office Culture Too Chatty? Are you and your coworkers obsessed with chat room technology? How do you know if your office culture is becoming too chatty? Messaging apps are hugely popular among companies that place a high priority on good communication. However, it’s easy to misuse this technology and damage your productivity. It could even jeopardize your relationships Read More

Office Design for Working Moms

Office Design for Working Moms We’ve just celebrated Mother’s Day, so it’s a great time to talk about how office design impacts working moms. Studies show that creating “mom-friendly” spaces is beneficial to both employees and the company. Take into consideration the unique needs of working moms, and you’ll be able to retain these highly valuable employees. Mother’s Oasis A true Read More

Benefits of Ergonomic Leaning Stools for Active Sitting

Benefits of Ergonomic Leaning Stools for Active Sitting There are so many ergonomic options now for minimizing the damage of static sitting at work. Standing desks, walking desks, and more! But what about the new leaning stools? Focal Upright’s new line features a unique product to revolutionize the way you work – the Mobis active seat leaning stool. The Difference Between Read More

Sensory Approach To Office Design

Sensory Approach To Office Design To crack the code of good office design, you really need to consider the whole picture of the workspace. It’s about the combination of elements like environment, furniture, and layout. Research shows that all five senses play an important role in how employees respond to office design. It’s important to think about this when planning Read More

Active Office: Simple Ways to Burn Calories All Day

Active Office: Simple Ways to Burn Calories All Day It’s easier than you think to get your workout in during your 9-5. It’s the ultimate exercise in multitasking! Here are some ways for your active office to burn some major calories throughout the day. Go Marching Next time you’re on a marathon conference call, try standing during some or all Read More

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