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4 Signs You Work With An Office Bully

4 Signs You Work With An Office Bully I am a parent to a gifted child and it wasn’t until a few years ago, that I fully understood how much he’d been bullied through his elementary school life. He moved to a different school this year and I’d hoped that a new environment would expose him to more kids and yield Read More

The Standing Room Only Workplace

The Standing Room Only Workplace This is probably not the first you’ve heard of this but the ill effects of remaining seated for long periods of time is said to be bad for your health. It even has a name, sitting disease. More recently, health experts have gone so far as to suggest that offering ways for individuals to exercise Read More

Why Introverts Love Office Cubicles

Why Introverts Love Office Cubicles Office cubicles have gotten a bad rep over the years.  Probably because every time a miserable job or employee is portrayed on TV, there they are – rows and rows of them, looking dull and monotonous. Initech ring any bells? “Sounds like someone has a case of the Mondays!” The contemporary trend towards forced collaboration Read More

How to Make and Keep Employees Happy

How to Make and Keep Employees Happy Employee validation is almost as important as a good paycheck. In order to make and keep employees happy, you must create a positive workplace. Employees need to have a sense of ownership of the company’s image, reputation and long-term growth. You’ve got to get employees to feel that they own the place, not Read More

Steps Businesses Can Take to Prevent Workplace Theft

Steps Businesses Can Take to Prevent Workplace Theft My 11-year old son recently went on a school field trip to “business town” where kids experience a virtual workplace filled with banks, businesses and other services that mimic real world. The idea of this trip was to let kids practice life in a business scenario. He was hired as an advertising salesman where Read More

8 Ways To Modernize Your Office Cubicle

8 Ways To Modernize Your Office Cubicle If you’re like much of the world, you spend about forty hours a week sitting in a neutral colored gray box. The standard office cubicle may not be pretty however, there isn’t a rule that your cube has to feel like a jail cell. In fact, if you focus some decorating effort into Read More

8 Ways to Fall In Love With Your Job Again

8 Ways to Fall In Love With Your Job Again Fallen out of love with your job? Or maybe you never really loved it in the first place. Loving your job can be hard, especially if you are bored by your work or if you do not feel included or appreciated. If you are finding it hard to love what Read More

Are You A Good Office Cubicle Neighbor or An Annoying One?

Are You A Good Office Cubicle Neighbor or An Annoying One? I truly do miss working in an office cubicle. There was something comforting about a little “boxed-off” section of the office that was solely mine. A place where I could escape, keep my head down and get my work done! That is, unless the day was filled with distractions Read More

5 Easy Heart Healthy Changes To Make At Work

5 Easy Heart Healthy Changes To Make At Work Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. The month of February is dedicated to raising awareness about heart disease and increasing knowledge about prevention. Workplace habits play a big role in heart health and it’s becoming more common for businesses to have heart healthy employee wellness Read More

Healthy Employees Make BETTER Office Workers

Healthy Employees Make BETTER Office Workers Common sense tells us that if your employees are healthy and happy they will be better office workers. Do you agree? Investing in an employee wellness program will directly affect your bottom line. It’s a no brainer. You are guaranteed to see a return on your investment when you show concern for the wellbeing Read More

A Lifespan Treadmill Desk Makes It Easy To Fit Exercise Into Your Day

A Lifespan Treadmill Desk Makes It Easy To Fit Exercise Into Your Day People are always complaining about how hard it is to fit exercise into your day (me included) and stay fit, especially during the winter months. Compared to other ways that you can spend time, exercise can be a chore. This is especially true when you’re talking about Read More

The Story of a Standing Desk Convert

The Story of a Standing Desk Convert Probably like you, I spend about 45 to 50 hours a week working on my computer. Up until a week ago, I did that work sitting on my ever-expanding behind. I don’t blame the desk entirely for the expansion, but it hasn’t helped. Last Monday, I adjusted my office desk to standing height. Read More

Stop Sitting Disease with Focal Upright Leaning Seats

Stop Sitting Disease with Focal Upright Leaning Seats Our bodies were not built to sit. They were built to stand, walk and move around. If you sit too much, it can lead to “sitting disease”. It’s a real condition and the research to support it is out there. Research finds that an increased rick of chronic disease and premature death is a Read More

The Importance of Workplace Wellness Programs

The Importance of Workplace Wellness Programs Workplace wellness programs are becoming more widespread throughout the business world. The concept is simple. A business that provides a workplace wellness program creates healthier and happier employees who are more productive. In addition, employers not only reap the benefits of a healthier, industrious workforce, but realize fiscal benefits as well. Wellness programs can Read More

8 Tips To Help You Maintain An Active And Healthy Desk Job

8 Tips To Help You Maintain An Active And Healthy Desk Job If you work in an office cubicle, like I do, you’re probably sitting there wondering what changes you can make to be a healthier you. For cubicle dwellers, the need to be healthy goes far beyond the desire to shed extra pounds. Did you know by having a Read More

Tips for Curing an Office Vacation Hangover

Tips for Curing an Office Vacation Hangover As much as I’m “pro” taking time off from work to spend with friends and family, the day or week after a vacation can leave one wondering whether the joy of vacation is worth the pain of returning to work. Between the email backlog, the pain of readjustment, and the fight to get back into Read More

Affordable Standing Desks and Treadmill Desks

Affordable Standing Desks and Treadmill Desks Let’s face it. No matter how much you love your work, if your office space setup isn’t making your job easier, then it’s making it harder. And, who needs that? In 2016, treat yourself to an office desk that not only aids in your productivity but your overall heath as well. If you are worried Read More

10 Easy Exercises You Can Do At Your Office Cubicle

10 Easy Exercises You Can Do At Your Office Cubicle Finding time for exercise is a challenge during the workweek, especially during the hectic weeks leading up to the New Year. After a long day at the office, shopping and unbelievable traffic delays leave us tired and uninterested in hitting the gym after work. The weather is cold and the Read More

4 Tips to Avoid the Holiday Office Weight Gain

4 Tips to Avoid the Holiday Office Weight Gain There is something magical about the Holidays that make nearly every one of us indulge in the office sweet treats (my compulsion for sweets begins on Halloween). Maybe it’s because we only see these delectable goodies a few times a year or maybe we overeat due to the stress or the Read More

Organize Your Computer

Organize Your Computer It may sound outlandish but organizing your office space gives you clarity. Working in a clutter-free environment allows you to focus and be more productive. And once you’ve tackled ways to make the exterior (desk, office files, cubicle, etc) of your office workspace look new and fresh, you need to turn to the place where a surprising amount Read More

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