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5 Tips To Pass The Time At A Boring Job

5 Tips To Pass The Time At A Boring Job I’ve been watching the Olympics and like many people, noticed the lifeguards sitting at the Aquatics Center and thought that has to be the most boring job in the world! Aside from the fact that they have a front row seat to the action, they must think they serve very Read More

Office Design And The Multigenerational Workforce

Office Design And The Multigenerational Workforce Businesses are experiencing an age diverse workforce like never before. With employees choosing to work beyond the traditional retirement age, offices are seeing four generations working together. These generations bring with them completely different skill sets, experiences and values. With the right approach to office design, these generations can come together collaboratively to drive performance Read More

What Happened To Saying Thank You?

What Happened To Saying Thank You? One of my biggest pet peeves is after the completion of a transaction the employee doesn’t say thank you. They just hand me the change and the bag and that’s it. Sometimes, out of habit, I am the one left saying thank you then the response from them is “no problem”. What? No problem….?! No – Read More

7 Reasons Why It’s Good Business For Employees To Work From Home

7 Reasons Why It’s Good Business For Employees To Work From Home Thanks to advancements in technology, working from home is a possibility for many workers. I’ve been able to enjoy working from home for nearly 5 years and I’ve found 7 solid reasons why it’s good businesses to allow employees work from home. Don’t get me wrong; there are Read More

Tips For Looking Professional In An Overly Air-Conditioned Office

Tips For Looking Professional In An Overly Air-Conditioned Office It’s 100 degrees outside but are you freezing cold in your office? If you’re a woman, you’re not alone. It happens every summer: Offices turn on the air-conditioning, and women freeze into icicles. While noise pollution is the number one complaint given in an open office, thermal discomfort is a close second, especially Read More

Losing Your Temper At Work? Here’s How To Keep Your Cool

Losing Your Temper At Work? Here’s How To Keep Your Cool Have you ever been in one of those situations at work when you feel anger so intense that you don’t know how to stop it? It could be that your project is derailed by a different department, perhaps no one will approve your customer order (which will result in Read More

Active Office Design – What Is It And Why Is It Important?

Active Office Design – What Is It And Why Is It Important? Have you heard of active office design? Active office design is just what it sounds like – it’s an office space that encourages employees to lead a healthier, active lifestyle. That doesn’t mean that you have to install a workout facility on every floor, more simply, it means giving Read More

Important Office Design Trends Of Today’s Workplace

office design

Important Office Design Trends Of Today’s Workplace Is your office in desperate need of an office space update? The layout and design of your new office space should be the main focus of your redesign. With a little bit of time invested, a well thought out office environment will ensure a happy and productive workforce. Plus, making sure your office space design Read More

How To Create Natural Light In A Windowless Workspace

How To Create Natural Light In A Windowless Workspace I recently moved my office desk right in front of the windows and I love it. Many articles will site that doing this creates more distraction, but for me, it is energizing and inspiring. Especially on days where the sun is shining and the birds are chirping. Sure, when it’s a gray and Read More

How To Select The Right Office Furniture Fabric For Your Business

How To Select The Right Office Furniture Fabric For Your Business It’s easy to become overwhelmed when selecting fabric for your office furniture. There are an infinite amount of options when it comes to color, texture and pattern. To make the process a little bit easier, ask yourself these questions to help guide you to the right office furniture in Houston Read More

Outdoor Break Rooms Help Employees Relax And Recharge

Outdoor Break Rooms Help Employees Relax And Recharge Break rooms are an essential part of an office design and yet they are often under appreciated and underutilized. In office design, break rooms should be more than a place to eat your lunch or grab a cup of coffee. Just as the name suggests, break rooms should be a place where Read More

How To Avoid And Overcome Distractions When You Work From Home

How To Avoid And Overcome Distractions When You Work From Home They say it takes 23 minutes to refocus once you are distracted away from your task at hand. If that is the case, it’s no wonder I can’t get anything done. Between the phone calls, text messages, the kids (this should be bolded and underlined two times), my bladder, Read More

How To Survive Being A Lead Project Manager

How To Survive Being A Lead Project Manager When you are the lead project manager on a very important assignment for your company, it can be stressful. Deadlines approach fast and you work long hours (plus time on the weekends). Your director is relentless and demands an update every hour. You are already giving more than 100 percent and you are Read More

10 Easy Ways To Make It Earth Day, Every Day In The Office

10 Easy Ways To Make It Earth Day, Every Day In The Office Earth Day. It’s the one day every year dedicated to Mother Earth. Although businesses should strive to remain eco-conscious every day of the year, this is the day we come together and realize we probably aren’t doing quite enough. As more and more businesses are making efforts to Read More

Improve the Company’s Bottom Line by Greening the Office Space

Improve the Company’s Bottom Line by Greening the Office Space In business, “going green” is more than a clever marketing slogan: it’s a way of acting responsibly toward your customers, employees, the environment and your balance sheet. Jode Roberts, Communications Director of the David Suzuki Foundation, a Vancouver-based environmental awareness organization says greening your workplace is one of the best ways to Read More

The Two Disadvantages Of Working At Home

The Two Disadvantages Of Working At Home The benefits from working at home are numerous. It’s convenient and the commute is zero. Your work environment is under your control, which allows you to be more productive. You can stay at home and work when you are sick or easily stay at home with the kids if they are sick. Your Read More

The Honest Pros and Cons of Standing Desks

The Honest Pros and Cons of Standing Desks As years go on, more and more attention is being paid to the health complications associated with sitting for long periods of time at your office desk. And as a result, many offices are converting to adjustable standing desks to counter attack this unhealthy trend. It’s very common for workers to spend long Read More

How to Maximize Your Vacation While Staying Connected

How to Maximize Your Vacation While Staying Connected Taking time away from the office cubicle to enjoy vacation is often easier said than done. It’s especially challenging if you are a key member of management or perhaps an owner of a small business without anyone to delegate to. But it doesn’t have to ruin your vacation if you manage it carefully. Read More

10 Simple Ways To Spring Clean Your Office Cubicle

10 Simple Ways To Spring Clean Your Office Cubicle Spring has finally sprung and if you’re like me… you probably spend a good chunk of the day in your office cubicle. And if you’re even more like me… you hate working in a cluttered, messy, disorganized area! OK, so even if you aren’t like me and you don’t mind working amongst chaos, it’s still Read More

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