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Stretch at Work for a Healthy Lifestyle

Stretch at Work for a Healthy Lifestyle We’ve all heard it, “Sitting is the new smoking.” So, are you breaking up your 8-10 hour workday to maintain a healthy lifestyle? Maybe “deskercise” isn’t your thing, but stretching is for everyone! It will make such a difference in how you feel. Stretching For a Healthy Lifestyle What are the benefits of Read More

Millennials In The Workforce Explained

Millennials In The Workforce Explained If you work with millennials or identify as one, this article is for you. It’s a shame that they have acquired a bad reputation over the years. They’re called lazy and entitled- how awful! The truth is that this generation sees the work place a little bit differently, and that adds value to your business. Millennials Are Here To Read More

Office Lifestyle: Handling Conflicting Politics

Office Lifestyle: Handling Conflicting Politics Election season may be over, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that workplace political discussions will follow. You may have a divided office. Some employees are happy about the results and some are not. Talking politics at the office is a tricky subject and can lead to heated discussions. How do you keep your office lifestyle free Read More

Make Learning Part of Your Office Culture

Make Learning Part of Your Office Culture With advancements in technology and competitive markets, it’s more important than ever to stay at the top of your game. Make learning a priority in your office culture, and you’ll encourage employees keep their skills sharp. Why Your Office Culture Should Include Learning A learning office culture gives employees opportunities for growth and adds more Read More

Take Your Office Plants to the Next Level

Take Your Office Plants to the Next Level There are so many benefits to outfitting your desk with office plants. Fortunately, you don’t have to stick with simple potted plants only. Here are some plant centered gadgets and creative pots that will wow your coworkers. USB Flower Pot If you’re the forgetful type, you’ll love this USB powered flower pot. It reminds Read More

Office Workouts – Deskercise Your Way To Healthy

Office Workouts – Deskercise Your Way To Healthy It’s not easy to find time to exercise during a demanding work week, but there are ways to sneak in some movement throughout the day. Consider it multitasking. Not only will your health benefit, but your productivity will likely increase as well. Moving stimulates the brain, and when you return to work Read More

How To Be More Active At the Office

How To Be More Active At the Office How do you find time to be active between a busy work week, responsibilities at home, and actually having a little fun from time to time? If you’re one of those people that doesn’t enjoy being active as a hobby, it can be that much harder to find time. But the benefits Read More

How Millennials Are Impacting Office Culture

How Millennials Are Impacting Office Culture With the number of Millennials (ages 19-35) in the workforce on the rise, there’s little doubt that this population is changing traditional office culture. Sure, maybe they have a bad reputation in some respects, but overall there are more pros than cons to hiring – and keeping them. The Movers and Shakers of the Office Read More

6 Affordable Office Changes That Improve Employee Wellbeing and Productivity

6 Affordable Office Changes That Improve Employee Wellbeing and Productivity Sitting in one spot for too long is dangerous to your health. Researchers have identified the workplace as one of the primary environments for sedentary behavior. In a typical workweek, Americans spend an average of five hours and forty-one minutes per day sitting at an office desk. Research shows that even small bouts of Read More

7 Office Holiday Party Alternatives That Will Please Everyone

7 Office Holiday Party Alternatives That Will Please Everyone The winter holidays are a great opportunity for employees to bond. Yet, it can also be a source of conflict for HR managers, who must make sure the season doesn’t lead to hurt feelings, discomfort or worse—a charge of religious discrimination.  It’s virtually impossible to restrict holiday observances completely from the Read More

4 Must Have Office Furniture and Accessories For Any Workspace    

ROSI Office Systems

4 Must Have Office Furniture and Accessories For Any Workspace In today’s connect world, your “office” doesn’t necessarily mean you can only do work in an office.  Many of us work from home, from the car and just about anywhere there is a decent Wi-Fi connection.  You may even choose to work from the beaches of Siesta Key and if Read More

12 Tips On How To Complete Your Work Tasks Before Lunch

12 Tips On How To Complete Your Work Tasks Before Lunch I don’t know about you but if I don’t get my important work completed by lunch, it isn’t going to happen.  There is something about the jolt I receive after that lovely morning coffee hits my veins to really get me going.  This approach can be substantiated based on Read More

San Antonio Office Cubicles Aid In Employee Satisfaction

San Antonio Office Cubicles Aid In Employee Satisfaction The office layout that you choose for your San Antonio business has everything to do with your long-term success.  Choose correctly and it can boost productivity. But choose incorrectly and it can be detrimental to office morale and your bottom line. Many San Antonio companies traded in office cubicles for open offices, but this Read More

Choosing The Right Office Chair For Your Employees

Choosing The Right Office Chair For Your Employees Choosing the right office chair for your employees isn’t as straightforward as it may seem.  It’s important to choose the correct one because after all, they’ll be the one spending many hours sitting in it.  Take into consideration the employee’s body type, work function and the dimensions of their current office desk. There are Read More

Improve Your Company’s Bottom Line With Ergonomic Workspaces from AMQ

ROSI Office Systems

Improve Your Company’s Bottom Line With Ergonomic Workspaces from AMQ Ergonomic workspaces can help your employees feel their best and may even help improve your bottom line. Ergonomic workspaces improve employee productivity by limiting the stress and strain they experience during a typical workday. Office furniture from AMQ, a ROSI Office Systems manufacturer, makes it easy to improve ergonomics while also improving Read More

Natural Light Makes Workers More Productive And Creative

ROSI Office Systems

Natural Light Makes Workers More Productive And Creative Have you ever noticed how your body can mimic the lighting in your office? It’s not referred to as “mood lighting” for nothing. A dimly lit room is not inspiring. It doesn’t make workers energetic, instead it makes them want to relax. You might as well tell your staff to return home because not a Read More

3 Easy Ways To Work When You Feel Like An Office Zombie

ROSI Office Systems

3 Easy Ways To Work When You Feel Like An Office Zombie Are you staring a blank hole through your computer screen? Late night? Feel like an office zombie? Whether you are suffering from sleep deprivation or you just find yourself in an unexplainable fog this morning, it’s time to get to work. We all have days when we just Read More

What Does Your Office Furniture Color and Décor Say About Your Business?

ROSI Office Systems

What Does Your Office Furniture Color and Décor Say About Your Business? Whether you are in the field of business, medicine, or education setting a good first impression is crucial if you want to succeed. Believe it or not, your office furniture in Houston and decor can have a large impact on how customers view your company. In order to Read More

The 11 Most Dog Friendly Offices In The U.S.

ROSI Office Systems

The 11 Most Dog Friendly Offices In The U.S. Every year many employees look forward to the one-day a year where they can bring their best buddy into the office. No, I’m not talking about “take your kid to work”. I’m talking about take your DOG to work! But what if you didn’t have to wait for that one day? Read More

Want To Dominate a Fitbit Challenge? Get a Treadmill Desk

ROSI Office Systems

Want To Dominate a Fitbit Challenge? Get a Treadmill Desk Have you ever been invited to a week long Fitbit Challenge? I was invited last spring and since I needed motivation, decided to join in! During the first day, I killed myself to get the 10,000 recommended steps. Then right before bed, I excitedly looked at the results for “DAY Read More

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