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Hot Trend: Lounge Style Office Furniture

Hot Trend: Lounge Style Office Furniture It’s true that many companies are leaning towards a more residential feel at the office, with less sterile design and more comfortable spaces. But now some are also including lounge style office furniture in Houston in working areas. Are there benefits to a more reclined posture at work? Creative Thinking In offices where employees Read More

Are You In A Summer Productivity Slump?

Are You In A Summer Productivity Slump? We are rounding the corner here on summer, but you may be feeling the effects of of the heat at work. If you find yourself struggling with productivity during the summer months, you’re not alone. It’s common for people to work less efficiently and be more distracted this time of year. What can Read More

Employee Wellness Starts With Sleep

Employee Wellness Starts With Sleep Sleep is vital to our health, yet most Americans are burning the candle at both ends. It’s so important to employee wellness that companies are beginning to offer special wellness programs centered around sleep. What can your company do to encourage healthy sleep habits? Sleep Affects The Bottom Line As it turns out, sleep deprivation Read More

Productivity Techniques That Really Work!

Office Productivity Techniques That Really Work! Productivity can seem like such an elusive concept to grasp. Everyone wants to know the secret trick. Maybe you feel like you get off track easily or have trouble multitasking – whatever the case, there are steps you can take to become more productive. It all starts with changing some habits. Morning Routine Set yourself Read More

Take A Deep Breath: Meditation Techniques for Workplace Wellness

Meditation Techniques for Workplace Wellness Research shows that taking regular breaks during the workday is one of the best ways to actually stay on task and improve employee wellness. Stepping away from your desk for just a few minutes brings a number of benefits. Meditation can be a great addition to your day to help you de-stress and get back Read More

Productivity And The Art Of Saying No

Productivity And The Art Of Saying No Are you the type of person that always agrees to help or take on additional tasks? If so, you may also feel frustrated and overwhelmed at work. Over-committing deeply impacts your job satisfaction and productivity. Where do you draw the line? Why We Say Yes Human psychology explains why we say yes (even Read More

How Your Office Culture Can Help You Keep Your Top Performers

How Your Office Culture Can Help You Keep Your Top Performers What do you really need to offer your employees to keep them around long term? It’s not as complicated as it sounds. Office culture is a big reason people stay – and leave – a workplace. Here’s how to make yours irreplaceable. Purpose People want to feel like what Read More

Biophilic Office: Herbs You Can Grow At Your Desk

Biophilic Office: Herbs You Can Grow At Your Desk We’re right in the heart of summer, which means it’s peak season for all of those fresh vegetables and herbs. There are so many benefits to having a biophilic office, so why not do a little bit of gardening yourself? Believe it or not there are herbs that grow well indoors! Read More

Top Ways To Support Employee Wellness

Top Ways To Support Employee Wellness A recent study discovered that most office employees are less active than a typical retiree! How can that be possible? Well, 40+ hours a week at a desk is a great way to start down that path. Companies are learning they need to do more to support employee wellness. FitBit Challenge This is one Read More

Ultimate Flexibility In Office Design: Movable Walls

Ultimate Flexibility In Office Design: Movable Walls There’s a huge focus this year on versatility in office design. The trend is balance, which is great in life and at the office. Ideally, we have a little privacy, a little collaboration, and the ability to move seamlessly back and forth between the two. Space Within A Space You can’t control all Read More

Developing a Feedback Based Office Culture

Developing a Feedback-Based Office Culture It seems as though you’re asked for feedback in almost every area of your life. You get surveys at the end of your shopping receipt and comment cards at restaurants and hotels. Even the apps on your phone ask for ratings. But, how often are you asked for feedback at your job? How often are Read More

Top Ways to Reduce Office Stress

Top Ways to Reduce Office Stress Studies show that 40% of employees experience anxiety about work outside of the workplace. That’s an alarming amount of office stress being taken home! The negative impacts of stress are well documented, affecting everything from job performance to health to relationships. Be Proactive Sometimes the source of stress can be that you don’t feel Read More

Increase Productivity By Making Friends At Work

Increase Productivity By Making Friends At Work Think friendliness at the office is a distraction or a waste of time? Think again! Studies show that friendships at work actually increase productivity! Workplace friendships impact employees on many levels, so fostering a team atmosphere benefits everyone involved. It’s a natural tendency to find connection with those whom you spend a lot Read More

Best Office Stretches To Maintain Health

Best Office Stretches To Maintain Health Research has shown time and time again that we have to get up and move during the workday. Perform these stretches every hour to loosen up stiff muscles from working at a desk. Plus, the mental break with rejuvenate your focus and ability to get back to the task at hand. Lateral Head Tilt Read More

How Green Design Really Pays Off

How Green Design Really Pays Off Not only does green design help the environment, but it also pays off in big ways for companies and their employees. It aids in attracting and keeping top talent as well as increases productivity. Taking time to explore some green design options for your space is definitely worth it. Productivity Looking for office spaces Read More

Office Tech Helps You Make The Most of Your Ergonomic Workstation

Office Tech Helps You Make The Most of Your Ergonomic Workstation What is the purpose of having an adjustable workstation if you find yourself never changing positions throughout the day? If you’re guilty of not utilizing your ergonomic equipment to its fullest potential, there’s a new solution that can help. Humanscale’s OfficeIQ synchronizes with your adjustable workstation and keeps you on track Read More

How Millennials Are Really Shaping Office Culture

How Millennials Are Really Shaping Office Culture Millennials are the fastest growing population of the workforce, and their unique worldview really impacts office culture. Many of these changes are positive, so why do they get a bad rep? Misunderstood There’s a lot of misunderstanding surrounding millennials. In fact, people tend to form extremely strong opinions about this group, more so than any Read More

Foods That Boost Productivity

Foods That Boost Productivity Diet plays an important role in overall health, but especially brain health. Eating well can boost not only your mood, but also your productivity at work. If you’re looking for some healthy brain food to bring to the office, look no further! Berries It’s getting to be that time of year where fresh berries are delicious, and Read More

Biophilic Office Spaces: Workplace Garden

Biophilic Office Spaces: Workplace Garden The benefits of biophilic office design are well proven – it reduces stress and improves job performance. If you already work in a great green space, here’s a little something to take it to the next level. Gardening. Yes, gardening at the office! Believe it or not, it’s a new trend that’s really catching on Read More

New Office Design Trends Speak To Introverts

New Office Design Trends Speak To Introverts Many companies are moving away from the open office in favor of more balanced design. This switch appeals to a wide range people, including the more introverted employees. In fact, there are several new trends that really speak to this crowd. Private Quiet Rooms In addition to offering mixed work spaces with various levels Read More

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