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Improve the Company’s Bottom Line by Greening the Office Space

Improve the Company’s Bottom Line by Greening the Office Space In business, “going green” is more than a clever marketing slogan: it’s a way of acting responsibly toward your customers, employees, the environment and your balance sheet. Jode Roberts, Communications Director of the David Suzuki Foundation, a Vancouver-based environmental awareness organization says greening your workplace is one of the best ways to Read More

Fun Office Cubicle DIY Accessories To Brighten Up Your Day

Fun Office Cubicle DIY Accessories To Brighten Up Your Day Office cubicles were first designed in the 1960 giving workers “moveable walls” which allowed them to create and customize their very own personal workspaces.  Though times have changed, and it can feel like you’re working out of a cardboard box sometimes, the office cubicle still has the chance to become your own Read More

To Avoid Back Pain, Use An Adjustable Office Chair With These Key Features

To Avoid Back Pain, Use An Adjustable Office Chair With These Key Features Sitting for long periods of time in your office chair isn’t good for anyone’s back. Using smart ergonomics and taking breaks will fend off the occasional ache and stiffness, but employees who fight chronic back pain are fighting a much tougher battle. It’s important to find the right office Read More

Green Office Walls Make Workers More Productive

Green Office Walls Make Workers More Productive You probably never think about the color of your office and how it affects your mood, profitability and productivity, but it does. What colors you choose for the office can have a dramatic effect on your employees, clients and other visitors. These effects are subliminal and instinctive, creating either a good or bad Read More

Selecting The Right Office Cubicle Wall Height

Used Office Cubicles Houston

Selecting The Right Office Cubicle Wall Height When you are ready to outfit your workplace with office cubicles, the first thing you’ll notice is that you are met with an abundance of choices –  new, refurbished, different colors, different shapes and sizes and available in varying wall heights! They are very versatile! There are many factors to consider when choosing the correct office cubicle Read More

The Standing Room Only Workplace

The Standing Room Only Workplace This is probably not the first you’ve heard of this but the ill effects of remaining seated for long periods of time is said to be bad for your health. It even has a name, sitting disease. More recently, health experts have gone so far as to suggest that offering ways for individuals to exercise Read More

Why Introverts Love Office Cubicles

Why Introverts Love Office Cubicles Office cubicles have gotten a bad rep over the years.  Probably because every time a miserable job or employee is portrayed on TV, there they are – rows and rows of them, looking dull and monotonous. Initech ring any bells? “Sounds like someone has a case of the Mondays!” The contemporary trend towards forced collaboration Read More

4 Easy Ways to Avoid Desk Job Back Pain

4 Easy Ways to Avoid Desk Job Back Pain Like most people with a desk job, I spend a great deal of time sitting in my office cubicle in front of a computer. Every job I’ve held post-college has been a desk job, and my non-work looks exactly like my “real” work—seated, with a laptop. While I managed to stay Read More

Big Ideas For Small Conference Rooms

Big Ideas For Small Conference Rooms The boardroom, conference room or ad-hoc meeting room of any business is extremely important. A majority of business planning occurs in this room and for that reason it’s essential to have a well-designed conference room, even if space is an issue. Conference Table: If you have a small conference room, it’s important to start Read More

2016 Collaborative Office Design Trends

2016 Collaborative Office Design Trends In 2015, there were many opinions about the rise of open office designs. The key feature of the open office was collaboration and the best thing about a collaborative office design is how versatile it is. The 2016 collaborative office design trends will continue to foster an environment where teamwork is made easy. With mobile technology, Read More

Stop Sitting Disease with Focal Upright Leaning Seats

Stop Sitting Disease with Focal Upright Leaning Seats Our bodies were not built to sit. They were built to stand, walk and move around. If you sit too much, it can lead to “sitting disease”. It’s a real condition and the research to support it is out there. Research finds that an increased rick of chronic disease and premature death is a Read More

How To Organize Your Office Desk And Keep It That Way

How To Organize Your Office Desk And Keep It That Way I am a self-proclaimed organizing machine. You wouldn’t know it to look at my office now, but as the years push on, I prefer minimal clutter. It’s easier to work when there aren’t any messy distractions around you. I’m a firm believer in WHERE you work affects HOW you Read More

Affordable Standing Desks and Treadmill Desks

Affordable Standing Desks and Treadmill Desks Let’s face it. No matter how much you love your work, if your office space setup isn’t making your job easier, then it’s making it harder. And, who needs that? In 2016, treat yourself to an office desk that not only aids in your productivity but your overall heath as well. If you are worried Read More

Get Help Choosing the Right Office Furniture

Get Help Choosing the Right Office Furniture Now that the construction of your new office is nearly done and you’re getting ready to move in, have you considered what type of office furniture you will purchase and how you will design your workspace? While it’s important to remain practical when selecting office furniture in Houston, it should also look professional Read More

Now is the Best Time to Invest in Trendy New Office Furniture

Now is the Best Time to Invest in Trendy New Office Furniture As we approach 2016, there’s no better time to invest in trendy new office furniture than right now. This is because manufacturers tend to raise prices at the beginning of the year. You may be afraid to purchase trendy office furniture in Houston because the workplace design is Read More

How to Budget Office Furniture Expense in 2016

How to Budget Office Furniture Expense in 2016 One of the most important aspects of any business plan is forecasting a yearly budget. Even when business owners cannot forecast the accuracy of their sales numbers, they must be diligent when it comes to creating and sticking to a budget. Part of this diligence requires a business owner to get information Read More

4 Tips to Save Money on Office Furniture Expense

4 Tips to Save Money on Office Furniture Expense Office furniture is a big company investment. One must consider selecting pieces beyond aesthetics. The furniture may look nice, but if your employees go home with neck aches or aren’t productive in the space, your business won’t thrive. At the same time, saving money and cutting costs is often a bigger Read More

Locus Workstation by Focal Upright

Locus Workstation by Focal Upright Your desk is killing you! Sound dramatic? It is. “Sitting disease” is considered an epidemic in our country. Between commuting, sitting all day at work and then sitting at home, there are some very tangible, adverse effects on a person’s health. Mounting evidence suggests that those who spend hours with little movement are at higher Read More

Benefits of Buying New Office Furniture

Benefits of Buying New Office Furniture There comes a time in every office manager’s life when she must ask the question, “Is it time for my company to buy new office furniture?” Perhaps your business is moving to a new building, you’re expanding, you’d like to encourage more collaboration with a more contemporary open office plan, or maybe your old furniture Read More

4 Reasons to Love Height Adjustable Desks

4 Reasons to Love Height Adjustable Desks A recent survey found that many of us spend up to 12 hours a day sitting looking at computers or watching television. If you throw in the seven hours we spend sleeping then that adds up to a remarkable 19 hours a day being sedentary. And we all know that being sedentary can Read More

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