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10 Trends Affecting Office Space Planning

10 Trends Affecting Office Space Planning From a workforce talent shortage to active and flexible spaces, these 10 trends are impacting office space planning big time. Companies are realizing that engaged and comfortable employees are productive and boosting their bottom line. Has your employer made any positive changes?  

What Is Sound Masking?

What Is Sound Masking? Office trends and buzz words come and go. Changes in the type of work we do, changes in the culture of our employees and changes in our technology environment constantly drives us to a new “latest thing”.  Occasionally one comes along that is more than a passing fad and deserves to be notice. It is a Read More

Office Space: Which Is Cooler?

Office Space: Which Is Cooler? Since it was announced that Uber and Lyft will be staying in Houston and even picking up airport passengers, this post seemed fun and appropriate. Both companies are headquartered in San Francisco, but their office space style and design is quite divergent. Check out the photos from and decide which company digs you’d prefer Read More

3 Apps Every Facilities Manager Needs

3 Apps Every Facilities Manager Needs The average Facilities Manager has more irons in the fire than a blacksmith at a renaissance fair.  Keeping your designs, files and images within reach, plus, collaborating effectively are often a pipe dream. In addition, it’s getting even tougher to handle the increasing amount of information flying at us at a rapid pace. These Read More

3 Reasons To Add Glass Panels To Your Office Cubicle Installation

3 Reasons To Add Glass Panels To Your Office Cubicle Installation You’ve watched the open office trend, but aren’t sure you’re ready to knock down those cubicle walls on your upcoming project? Adding a glass panel to the upper portion of a cubicle will do wonders for your office environment.  It can be subtle changes that encourage collaboration and teamwork. Below Read More

Top 2 Reasons Workstation Clusters Make Call Centers More Profitable

Top 2 Reasons Workstation Clusters Make Call Centers More Profitable Squeezing as many desks in the least amount of space possible is an outdated model for call center design.  That tactic helped reduce real estate costs but it did not help with employee morale or productivity. Setting up a successful call center is now a science of design, layout, ergonomics Read More

How Colors Affect Your Business

How Colors Affect Your Business For many years, office spaces have used color schemes based around grays, tans and browns. These are safe and timeless colors, but if you’re looking to re-invigorate your space, consider adding colors that can inspire confidence, plus boost your staff’s creativity and productivity. Green is the color of money but is it the right color Read More

8 Ways to Improve Employee Happiness and Your Bottom Line

8 Ways to Improve Employee Happiness and Your Bottom Line Happy employees are three times more creative, 31% more productive, and have 37% higher sales than unhappy employees.  Check through this list to see how you might affect your employees’ happiness and your company’s bottom line. 1) Review these Gallup survey questions that help determine employee happiness and survey your Read More

The Case for Collaborative Office Design

The Case for Collaborative Office Design A discussion keeps going around the design industry; one that begs for an answer – does the open office design work? There are articles everywhere on the internet that have taken on the topics of workplace design: awards for designers and countless lists of tips but few really have an answer or an explanation Read More

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