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Is the Open Office Shine Wearing Off?

Is the Open Office Shine Wearing Off? Articles began appearing around 2012 touting the drawbacks of the open office. If you’re not sure what an open office is, basically, you remove the high-walled panels of a cubicle system and have an open office. With the removal of those walls comes the openness and collaboration that Read More

Add Feng Shui To Your Office

Add Feng Shui To Your Office Whether you’re one of many workers in a row of office cubicles or the CEO with sweet corner accommodations, your office is the place where you are expected to create, inspire, and do your best work. But if you’re spending more time in your office managing stress and frustration than Read More

Can New Office Furniture Help Your Productivity?

Can New Office Furniture Help Your Productivity? There are literally thousands of office design options to choose from, each as unique as the business itself. For example, open offices are designed to increase collaboration. Cubicles provide more affordable seating in a smaller space. Standing desks and ergonomic chairs put health as priority. Each design layout Read More

Office Relocation or Office Expansion?

Office Relocation or Office Expansion? Growing out of your current office space is usually a reason to rejoice. It means that your company is doing well; you are satisfying your customers and achieving ambitious goals! Nice work! One of the most challenging decisions a business owner faces is figuring out how much office space he Read More

How to Choose The Best Office Design Layout

How to Choose the Best Office Design Layout With the changes that have occurred in today’s business world, the best office design and layout becomes a very important decision. Office design affects productivity, comfort, and motivation.  With the advancement of technology and changes in work styles, offices need to be arranged in a way that Read More

Can Office Cubicles Be Collaborative?

Can Office Cubicles Be Collaborative? Yes, office cubicles can be collaborative by incorporating open layouts, shared workspaces, and modern design elements that encourage interaction. Integrating features like writable surfaces, communal areas, and flexible furniture fosters teamwork and communication, transforming traditional cubicles into environments that support collaboration and enhance overall productivity. Collaborative, open-office designs are increasing Read More

Why Is Your Boss A Jerk? Could Be The Office Chair

Why Is Your Boss A Jerk? Could Be The Office Chair Office furniture in Houston that makes you feel more powerful may also make you behave more dishonestly.  According to a study conducted by Andrew Yap, the bigger your office space, office furniture, even office chair, the more apt you are to be a sneaky, Read More

Becoming A “Green” Company

Becoming A “Green” Company Why does a company want to become “green”? There are several reasons but the top three that come to mind are financial gains in the form of government subsidies and energy savings, in addition to attracting top talent. A recent study found that the millenial workforce wants to work for companies with a Read More

Corporate Office of the Future is Very Green

Corporate Office of the Future is Very Green Two innovative designers received top honors by incorporating a high tech greenhouse within the corporate office. Their futuristic design could become reality and the grass would definitely be greener at this corporate office of 2025. In a recent blog, we discussed different ways to address employees’ number one Read More

Open Office Versus Cubicles: Which Is More Disruptive?

Open Office Versus Cubicles: Which Is More Disruptive? Open offices have gotten a bad rap over the last few years, especially for lack of privacy. While it is always a great idea to be flexible in your office design and create spaces for concentration and spaces for open collaboration, I have to ask, “Are open Read More

How To Set Up A Conference Room

How To Set Up A Conference Room Does your company have an effective conference room? The company conference room is a powerful room that should inspire collaboration, a room that affords privacy for productive team meetings, and a room to complete projects, launch products and increase sales. Your conference room design, decor and functionality will influence Read More

Do Green Office Buildings Lead to Higher Satisfaction?

Do Green Office Buildings Lead to Higher Satisfaction? Research conducted by DTZ, a global commercial real estate services firm, has confirmed providing sustainable commercial space does lead to higher occupant satisfaction. The examined the three certifications common in the U.S. They are LEED points, EPA’s ENERGY STAR, and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB)’s sustainability and energy Read More

What Does Your Company’s Office Furniture Style Say?

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What Does Your Company’s Office Furniture Style Say? When a client walks through your door, your office furniture and style speaks volumes before anyone even says “hello.” You are judged on the look and feel within the first five seconds of arrival. Are you ready to be judged? Does your style send the right message? Are Read More

Showing Just Cause For A Beautiful Workspace

Showing Just Cause For A Beautiful Workspace It’s an argument as old as the ages. Why is office interior design important in a workspace? It is common knowledge that lay out and space planning are crucial, however, interior design is often that footnote on the new or renovated office budget. Is there just cause for Read More

New Sound Absorbing Office Furniture

New Sound Absorbing Office Furniture Swedish Office Furniture Maker Glimakra has introduced a new line of office furniture that absorbs sound. It’s incredibly stylish and delivers the sound absorption so desperately needed in the new open office designs. Here’s the full article with more images. The new office furniture design team, Johan Kauppi and Bertil Harstrom unveiled Read More

Boeing’s New Factory Office Space

Boeing’s New Factory Office Space It’s a building inside a building! When Boeing wanted to put the designers and engineers closer to the work being done on their new aircraft, it was decided to build the office space inside the factory space. It puts the Boeing designers literally on top of their project. Instead of Read More

Office Trend Future Predictions

Office Trend Future Predictions These office trend predictions are nothing new, however, they will accelerate rapidly and create opportunities and losses. Some good and some bad. Office furniture will continue to become “de-cubed” with the expansion of the popular open-office concept with cluster work stations and bench desk systems. Work culture will become even more Read More

Study Shows Productivity Decrease With An Open Office

Study Shows Productivity Decrease With An Open Office This article by Business Insider reflects on an early 2002 study in which was discovered a myriad of drawbacks on the open office concept. It follows an energy company’s employees as they transition from a traditional office to an open plan. The take-away from this article Read More

10 Trends Affecting Office Space Planning

10 Trends Affecting Office Space Planning From a workforce talent shortage to active and flexible spaces, these 10 trends are impacting office space planning big time. Companies are realizing that engaged and comfortable employees are productive and boosting their bottom line. Has your employer made any positive changes?   John OfieldJohn Ofield is a Read More

What Is Sound Masking?

What Is Sound Masking? Office trends and buzz words come and go. Changes in the type of work we do, changes in the culture of our employees and changes in our technology environment constantly drives us to a new “latest thing”.  Occasionally one comes along that is more than a passing fad and deserves to Read More

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