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5 Things To Consider Before You Purchase New Office Furniture

5 Things To Consider Before You Purchase New Office Furniture Selecting new office furniture for your office can be both fun and overwhelming. It’s often trickier than buying office supplies because of how many factors there are to consider. Whether you are leasing new office space or moving offices, here are five things to consider before you purchase new office Read More

Minimize Your Carbon Footprint With Remanufactured Office Cubicles

Minimize Your Carbon Footprint With Remanufactured Office Cubicles Earth Day, on April 22, is the perfect time for your business to assess your commitment to the environment. You probably have already taken steps in the right direction by recycling, using LED lighting, and more. Now, consider the full environmental impact that your company has, and explore new ways to minimize Read More

Green Office Walls Make Workers More Productive

Green Office Walls Make Workers More Productive You probably never think about the color of your office and how it affects your mood, profitability and productivity, but it does. What colors you choose for the office can have a dramatic effect on your employees, clients and other visitors. These effects are subliminal and instinctive, creating either a good or bad Read More

How Introverts Can Survive The Open Office Floor Plan

How Introverts Can Survive The Open Office Floor Plan Consider the modern office layout: the open floor plan featuring lots of common space flooded with natural light, clusters of collaborative office desks –  all designed to encourage teamwork, boost productivity and (management hopes) improve the bottom line. That type of office layout looks great on the company’s website, and most likely the Read More

The Standing Room Only Workplace

The Standing Room Only Workplace This is probably not the first you’ve heard of this but the ill effects of remaining seated for long periods of time is said to be bad for your health. It even has a name, sitting disease. More recently, health experts have gone so far as to suggest that offering ways for individuals to exercise Read More

Why Introverts Love Office Cubicles

Why Introverts Love Office Cubicles Office cubicles have gotten a bad rep over the years.  Probably because every time a miserable job or employee is portrayed on TV, there they are – rows and rows of them, looking dull and monotonous. Initech ring any bells? “Sounds like someone has a case of the Mondays!” The contemporary trend towards forced collaboration Read More

Big Ideas For Small Conference Rooms

Big Ideas For Small Conference Rooms The boardroom, conference room or ad-hoc meeting room of any business is extremely important. A majority of business planning occurs in this room and for that reason it’s essential to have a well-designed conference room, even if space is an issue. Conference Table: If you have a small conference room, it’s important to start Read More

Why You Need a Space Planner For Your Next Office Redesign

Why You Need a Space Planner For Your Next Office Redesign Planning to redesign your office layout? As organizations grow, planning for staffing and space utilization becomes critical. Organizations that have grown, downsized, or simply reorganized can benefit from having a professional space planner assist in the transition. Deciding to add-on to the current building, build up, move locations, rent Read More

Healthy Employees Make BETTER Office Workers

Healthy Employees Make BETTER Office Workers Common sense tells us that if your employees are healthy and happy they will be better office workers. Do you agree? Investing in an employee wellness program will directly affect your bottom line. It’s a no brainer. You are guaranteed to see a return on your investment when you show concern for the wellbeing Read More

2016 Collaborative Office Design Trends

2016 Collaborative Office Design Trends In 2015, there were many opinions about the rise of open office designs. The key feature of the open office was collaboration and the best thing about a collaborative office design is how versatile it is. The 2016 collaborative office design trends will continue to foster an environment where teamwork is made easy. With mobile technology, Read More

How 4 Small Office Changes = Big Employee Impact

How 4 Small Office Changes = Big Employee Impact When you’re thinking of making New Year’s changes to the office, the best time to make modifications is when your employees are out of the office on holiday. Take a look around. Even the best-designed office can get stale over time. That’s why it is important to update employees’ workspaces every Read More

Get Help Choosing the Right Office Furniture

Get Help Choosing the Right Office Furniture Now that the construction of your new office is nearly done and you’re getting ready to move in, have you considered what type of office furniture you will purchase and how you will design your workspace? While it’s important to remain practical when selecting office furniture in Houston, it should also look professional Read More

Now is the Best Time to Invest in Trendy New Office Furniture

Now is the Best Time to Invest in Trendy New Office Furniture As we approach 2016, there’s no better time to invest in trendy new office furniture than right now. This is because manufacturers tend to raise prices at the beginning of the year. You may be afraid to purchase trendy office furniture in Houston because the workplace design is Read More

4 Tips to Save Money on Office Furniture Expense

4 Tips to Save Money on Office Furniture Expense Office furniture is a big company investment. One must consider selecting pieces beyond aesthetics. The furniture may look nice, but if your employees go home with neck aches or aren’t productive in the space, your business won’t thrive. At the same time, saving money and cutting costs is often a bigger Read More

Which Office Layout is Right for You and Your Staff?

Which Office Layout is Right for You and Your Staff? If you think back to all of the bosses you’ve had, which one was your favorite? Where did they sit in relation to you?  Did you have a boss that wanted you to be right outside her office within shouting distance? Or the boss that wanted to hide in his Read More

Can Boomers and Gen X’ers Embrace the Open Office?

Can Boomers and Gen X’ers Embrace the Open Office? We hear so much about the Millenials, but what about the Boomers and Gen X’ers? Is it fair to ask an established employee at your company to embrace the open office after spending a decade or two behind three walls? Imagine the assault of sites and sounds to someone thrust from a Read More

3 Areas Every Office Needs

3 Areas Every Office Needs In the design world, office space planning is increasingly the key to employee success. Many employers realize that the office layout can have a direct effect on their employees’ creativity and happiness. Whether your office is an open space or filled with desks and office cubicles, one thing remains constant – the need for workplace diversification. Read More

4 Ways to Shrink Your Office Space Expense

4 Ways to Shrink Your Office Space Expense A typical company’s office space expense is probably second only to payroll. It makes sense, right? You invest in strong talent and want to provide a work environment that is an inspiring place to be – but often times the “old school” office design layout is a vast wasteland of costly space. In Read More

Work Lounges an ‘Introvert Oasis’ in the Open Office

Work Lounges an ‘Introvert Oasis’ in the Open Office While at Neocon 2015, I came to the drastic realization that I am an introvert through-and-through. Wandering the busy and crowded maze of booths, elevators, stairwells and cafe’s gave me plenty of moments to panic. As I was about to come undone, I took notice of the cozy and quiet office work lounges scattered Read More

Home Sweet Office

Home Sweet Office When you’re at home, you feel comforted by your warm walls, foot-friendly floors, and comfortable furniture. People decorate their homes because they love spending time there; it’s cozy and inviting. So decorating your office in the same manner will make it feel more like home and less like the daily grind. There are easy ways to decorate Read More

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