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John Ofield The Founder Of ROSI Office Systems


Advice For Working Moms

Advice For Working Moms My heart is racing and my belly hurts. This can only mean one thing. Yep, it’s May! It’s the magical month where every little thing happens at the very same time, every day – all month long! And if you have kids, your calendar probably looks a lot like mine…soccer, baseball, Read More

Florescent Lighting vs. Natural Lighting

Florescent Lighting vs. Natural Lighting Florescent lighting. Am I the only one that thinks about the movie “Joe vs. the Volcano” when you see it? (My husband would argue that I’m the only person that saw Joe vs. the Volcano, period). Maybe, but there is one scene in the movie where, after being “complemented” on Read More

Eating At Your Desk Makes You LESS Productive

Eating At Your Desk Makes You LESS Productive If you are anything like me, you probably don’t get out of the office for lunch on a regular basis. Who has time for that?! It’s not hard to understand why – that can be up to 90 minutes wasted away at some restaurant. When I worked Read More

Exercise Ball vs. Office Chair Experiment

Exercise Ball vs. Office Chair Experiment My youngest son is entering 1st grade next year. When we went to visit his new school on orientation night, I noticed one of the classrooms had exercise balls for chairs. At first, I thought…so cool! How progressive!! I had an exercise ball at home in my closet (where Read More

What is Biophilia and Biophilic Design? Do I Want It?

office trends in 2019

What is Biophilia and Biophilic Design? Do I Want It? Nevermind that it sounds like a disease or phobia, Biophilia is nothing so terrible.  In fact, since summer is fast-approaching, we’ll be getting our ‘Biophilia On’ over the next few months. Oh. I am sorry, that sounded dirty. I’d better explain. Simply put, Biophilia is our Read More

Which Is Better? Standing Desks Or Treadmill Desks

Which Is Better? Standing Desks Or Treadmill Desks Three researchers recently crunched a bunch of data on standing desks and treadmill desks. I started using a treadmill desk in 2013 and have since moved on to a height-adjustable standing desk. Since it’s National ‘Get Fit Don’t Sit’ day (yes, that’s a thing), it’s a great time to talk about Read More

‘Get Fit Don’t Sit Day’ Is May 6th

‘Get Fit Don’t Sit Day’ Is May 6th ROSI is ‘all in’ for the upcoming National “Get Fit Don’t Sit” day on April 6th. The American Diabetes Association and ROSI are using this day to remind companies of the benefits of getting their employees standing and moving instead of sitting. According to the ADA, people Read More

Are You An Inspirational Leader?

Are You An Inspirational Leader? A friend of mine and I were on the soccer sidelines one day talking about what kind of personality makes someone a good coach. We agreed that a person who is inspirational, above all else, is the one that gets the most results from his/her team. Then, as I was Read More

Can New Office Furniture Help Your Productivity?

Can New Office Furniture Help Your Productivity? There are literally thousands of office design options to choose from, each as unique as the business itself. For example, open offices are designed to increase collaboration. Cubicles provide more affordable seating in a smaller space. Standing desks and ergonomic chairs put health as priority. Each design layout Read More

5 Ways To Stay Focused At Work

5 Ways To Stay Focused At Work Most of us have trouble focusing on our work at one time or another, but the reasons for this differ. Some people stray when they’re bored; others find reasons to avoid a difficult task. Maybe you even have annoying co-workers who like to talk rather than work. For Read More

Office Relocation or Office Expansion?

Office Relocation or Office Expansion? Growing out of your current office space is usually a reason to rejoice. It means that your company is doing well; you are satisfying your customers and achieving ambitious goals! Nice work! One of the most challenging decisions a business owner faces is figuring out how much office space he Read More

Friant Celebrates 25 Years In The Furniture Industry!

Friant Celebrates 25 Years In The Furniture Industry! We’re all familiar with the story about Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniack building a computer in a garage, but what about other entrepreneurs like them that started with nothing more than a few thousand dollars and an idea? One such legend is a company called, Friant. Friant Read More

Unplugging From Technology In 2 Steps

Unplugging From Technology In 2 Steps Hi. My name is Brooke and I’m a technology addict. Whenever my device dings, I run to it like Pavlov’s dog! I first realized I had a problem while my husband and I were binge watching The Walking Dead on Netflix. There was a pause in the episode to Read More

ROSI Office Systems April 16 Newsletter

ROSI Office Systems April 16 Newsletter Inside the ROSI Office Systems April 16th newsletter: READ IT HERE >>> Trending Topic – What is Active Office Design and How to get it. Video Series – It’s not a surprise that sitting and working at your desk causes pain. But, there are easy things you can do Read More

Are You Hot Desking?

Are You Hot Desking? Once upon a time, your office desk was your home away from home. It served as a place to display your awards, favorite sports team paraphernalia and obligatory family photos. It became a nice little hiding place that gave you just the right amount of privacy to be productive without distraction. Read More

What Should An Office Chair Cost?

What Should An Office Chair Cost? When comparing an office chair to other consumer goods, it seems the office chair just does not receive the amount of respect and love that say a sofa or dining room table gets. Yet, these two pieces–sofa and dining room table– get used less frequently than an office chair. Read More

Budget Saving Office Tips

Budget Saving Tips for Your Office April marks the beginning of the second quarter for many companies so let’s do a budget check! Show of hands…how many budgets are still in tact? Let me guess, your budget has already been slashed, cut or otherwise left unrecognizable from what was “doable” at the start of 2015. Read More

How to Choose The Best Office Design Layout

How to Choose the Best Office Design Layout With the changes that have occurred in today’s business world, the best office design and layout becomes a very important decision. Office design affects productivity, comfort, and motivation.  With the advancement of technology and changes in work styles, offices need to be arranged in a way that Read More

Why White Office Walls Are A Terrible Idea

Why White Office Walls Are A Terrible Idea White walls in a home are trendy, but in the office, they can seriously hamper productivity according to a recent blog post from Stephanie Vozza at Study participants were tested performing simple clerical tasks and it was discovered that more errors were made in rooms with Read More

Can Office Cubicles Be Collaborative?

Can Office Cubicles Be Collaborative? Yes, office cubicles can be collaborative by incorporating open layouts, shared workspaces, and modern design elements that encourage interaction. Integrating features like writable surfaces, communal areas, and flexible furniture fosters teamwork and communication, transforming traditional cubicles into environments that support collaboration and enhance overall productivity. Collaborative, open-office designs are increasing Read More

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