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John Ofield The Founder Of ROSI Office Systems


5 Reasons Why You Need a Monitor Arm

5 Reasons Why You Need a Monitor Arm When talking about office cubicle ergonomics, most people think solely about adjusting the lumbar of their office chair or repositioning the height of their adjustable desk.  But if you are truly thinking about the benefits of ergonomics, you must not overlook using a monitor arm for your computer monitor. Monitor arms enable users to Read More

Should You Rent Office Furniture?

Should You Rent Office Furniture? Financing office furnishings can be expensive, and that can be problematic for several reasons. Often, the business itself needs the most attention, and capital investment in office furniture is fairly low on the list. But the fact is, it can be hard for a business to grow without a properly Read More

14 Star Wars Desk Accessories to Bring the Force to Your Cubicle

14 Star Wars Desk Accessories to Bring the Force to Your Cubicle One of the most anticipated movies in our household is easily Star Wars: The Force Awakens. This seventh movie has my husband and sons (ages 10 and 6) frothing at the mouth, binge watching episodes I-VI and anticipation grows with each new trailer as it’s released. I Read More

Organizing an Office Thanksgiving Potluck Lunch in 5 Easy Steps

Organizing an Office Thanksgiving Potluck Lunch in 5 Easy Steps Every year, doesn’t it seem like the old holiday traditions at work are fading? Luckily, one tradition continues to exist – the office Thanksgiving potluck lunch (or pitch-in, if you are from Indiana). If you happen to be one of the more grouchy employees, you may have long Read More

A Guide To Working At Home With Cats

ROSI Office Systems

A Guide To Working At Home With Cats I’m a work-at-home mom and although it offers many benefits, including the avoidance of the daily commute and interacting with annoying office colleagues, it CAN be lonely. And while you can keep in touch with those co-workers you do like via email, text and the occasional lunch out, Read More

Locus Workstation by Focal Upright

Locus Workstation by Focal Upright Your desk is killing you! Sound dramatic? It is. “Sitting disease” is considered an epidemic in our country. Between commuting, sitting all day at work and then sitting at home, there are some very tangible, adverse effects on a person’s health. Mounting evidence suggests that those who spend hours with Read More

How to Organize a Productive Meeting

How to Organize a Productive Meeting Every year, our neighborhood HOA has a meeting. Just ONE meeting – once a year. It’s always scheduled for the 2nd Tuesday in November, same time, and same location so everyone is aware well in advance. The problem is, attendance is always historically low. It’s so mind boggling to Read More

Benefits of Buying New Office Furniture

Benefits of Buying New Office Furniture There comes a time in every office manager’s life when she must ask the question, “Is it time for my company to buy new office furniture?” Perhaps your business is moving to a new building, you’re expanding, you’d like to encourage more collaboration with a more contemporary open office plan, Read More

What to Wear on Casual Friday

What to Wear on Casual Friday It’s Friday! You’ve survived yet another week of work and thanks to your company’s Casual Friday policy; it’s time to put away those ties and heels and trade them in for the uniform of the office cubicle dweller – a nice pair of jeans and trendy video game t-shirt. Read More

ROSI Office Systems November 3rd Newsletter

ROSI Office Systems November 3rd Newsletter In this weeks newsletter, we discuss where the boss should sit when designing an effective office space plan. Also, consider THREE things that every office needs. Our office video series showcases Focal Upright and their office chair that promotes better posture. Lastly, don’t forget that ROSI Office Systems will Read More

Social Media In The Workplace

Social Media In The Workplace The widespread use of social media has struck fear into some employers about decreased workplace focus, unwanted publicity, and a general surge in various work-related claims. But, at the same time, employers also have been able to harness social media for all sorts of benefits, not only with the products they Read More

Organize Your Computer

Organize Your Computer It may sound outlandish but organizing your office space gives you clarity. Working in a clutter-free environment allows you to focus and be more productive. And once you’ve tackled ways to make the exterior (desk, office files, cubicle, etc) of your office workspace look new and fresh, you need to turn to the Read More

4 Reasons to Love Height Adjustable Desks

4 Reasons to Love Height Adjustable Desks A recent survey found that many of us spend up to 12 hours a day sitting looking at computers or watching television. If you throw in the seven hours we spend sleeping then that adds up to a remarkable 19 hours a day being sedentary. And we all Read More

How Technology Changed Communication – Pros and Cons

How Technology Changed Communication – Pros and Cons Technology has revolutionized how we communicate, reshaping our personal and professional lives. From video calls to instant messaging, advancements in communication tools have bridged gaps across continents. They have also made businesses more efficient and transformed how we share ideas.  I remember when I was issued a Read More

Avoid Doing These 12 Activities in Your Office Cubicle

Avoid Doing These 12 Activities in Your Office Cubicle In the modern business world, cubicles are designed as small spaces with semi-private boundaries. This space is indeed your privacy, but it’s also part of a shared workspace. But have you ever thought about how some seemingly insignificant behaviors in this small space can affect the Read More

Which Office Layout is Right for You and Your Staff?

Which Office Layout is Right for You and Your Staff? If you think back to all of the bosses you’ve had, which one was your favorite? Where did they sit in relation to you?  Did you have a boss who wanted you to be right outside her office within shouting distance? Or the boss that Read More

8 Easy Halloween Office Cubicle Decorations

8 Easy Halloween Office Cubicle Decorations Kids love Halloween! But who says adults can’t have a little bit of fun at Halloween, too? It’s the best time of the year! If you aren’t the kind of person who likes to dress up for Halloween, how about the next best thing – dressing up your office Read More

Boss Office Dogs and Office Cats of Instagram

Boss Office Dogs and Office Cats of Instagram Okay, it’s Friday and Boss’ Day so let’s celebrate by admiring some fuzzy-faced four-legged office dogs and office cats that look like they could seriously run a multi-billion dollar empire, or at least scrounge up a few bones.     A photo posted by Bouncer (@bouncerjames) on Oct 16, Read More

3 Office Halloween Tips

3 Office Halloween Tips It all starts a few weeks before Halloween. Your company or department begins planning the first of many holiday celebrations to come over the next 61-days (and counting). It’s all a bit overwhelming for some, but, before you run and hide, consider this advice to navigate through the Halloween office festivities. Your Read More

Can Boomers and Gen X’ers Embrace the Open Office?

Can Boomers and Gen X’ers Embrace the Open Office? We hear so much about the Millenials, but what about the Boomers and Gen X’ers? Is it fair to ask an established employee at your company to embrace the open office after spending a decade or two behind three walls? Imagine the assault of sites and Read More

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