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Summer Office Productivity Tips - ROSI Office Systems

Are You In A Summer Productivity Slump?

Are You In A Summer Productivity Slump?

We are rounding the corner here on summer, but you may be feeling the effects of of the heat at work. If you find yourself struggling with productivity during the summer months, you’re not alone. It’s common for people to work less efficiently and be more distracted this time of year. What can you do about it?

Keep It Cool

This one seems like a no-brainer, but not all offices have A/C. And even then, one temperature does not please everyone. Keep desk or floor fans available and if possible, allow employees to choose their workspace around “cool spots” in the office.

Take It Outside

Dying to catch some rays? If you have an outdoor space available, equip it with wi-fi so those sun worshipers can get their fix during work hours.

Flexibility Is Key

If the type of industry you work in allows flexibility in working hours, consider offering some freedom in schedule during the summertime. Some employees might like to take half day or full days off on Fridays and make the hours up during the rest of the week.

Have Fun

Sometimes just injecting a little fun into the work environment is enough to perk that employee right up. Ice cream socials every couple weeks or iced coffee breaks keep the mood casual but encourage team bonding. Remember, regular breaks do actually increase productivityTry a friendly competition like “The Summer Games” which has events based on team and individual goals (sales, productivity, or health, for example).

So whether you enjoy the heat or stay out of it, try to be proactive about handling this time of year. Being a little more flexible can go a long way to helping people work more effectively. Ultimately, taking those steps will positively impact your bottom line and employee satisfaction.

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