Office Design for Working Moms
We’ve just celebrated Mother’s Day, so it’s a great time to talk about how office design impacts working moms. Studies show that creating “mom-friendly” spaces is beneficial to both employees and the company.
Take into consideration the unique needs of working moms, and you’ll be able to retain these highly valuable employees.
Mother’s Oasis
A true “mother’s room” provides a place for nursing/pumping and other basic amenities. It includes things like a changing table, refrigerator, and sanitary/first aid supplies. It doesn’t have to be large, just comfortable and functional. Using calm tones like blues and taupe conveys a feeling of relaxation. Soft, upholstered furniture makes the space feel cozy. This is a place where moms can go to take a break and feel truly removed from the work environment. As a result, women experience less stress throughout the day and feel more energized when returning to work.
Appropriate Sizing
Often times, we assume office equipment and furniture is universal in fit. This is simply not true in all cases! Desks, chairs, and other supplies should be custom fit for women, who are often smaller in frame. This shows that you take their needs seriously. Make accommodations for pregnant women who may need to upgrade their chairs or other equipment for more comfort.
If your company has a large population of working moms, on-site childcare might be a service to consider. Having their children nearby can make a huge difference to moms. It removes the stress of having to find outside care, allows them to nurse/feed when required, and makes it easier to focus on the task at hand.
Working moms are an important part of any company – and they should be considered during an office re-design. Work life balance is a special challenge for these women. Good office design can make a difference in retaining working moms! It’s important to keep all those years of experience within your company, before and after babies.
John Ofield is a recognized expert in the office furniture and office cubicle industry, with over 40 years of experience. As the founder of ROSI Office Systems, he specializes in space planning, custom cubicle designs, and high-quality commercial furniture. John’s expertise helps businesses enhance productivity and collaboration. He is also dedicated to mentoring entrepreneurs and redefining workspaces to inspire success.